Catholic Leadership Institute 2021 

    Catholic Leadership Institute 2021 at the University of Notre Dame
    Začiatok (dátum, čas):1. 7. 2021, 8:08
    Koniec (dátum, čas):31. 7. 2021, 19:08

    The Nanovic Institute supports the professional and spiritual development of leaders from its Catholic University Partnership institutions. Through leadership programs held at the University of Notre Dame and at the Notre Dame’s Global Gateways and Centers, the Institute aims to help build and international community of resilient leaders and skilled executives. Since 2017, the Nanovic Institute has supported leaders from each of its partner universities by hosting a week-long Catholic Leadership Program, an executive program for Catholic leadership focused on management skills, strategic planning, and philanthropy development. For this program, the Institute welcomes applications from leaders at CUP institutes. Held in collaboration with the Mendoza College of Business’s Nonprofit Professional Development program, this program takes place at the University of Notre Dame, typically during the summer, and is held every 1-2 years. In July 2021, the Institute welcomed its fourth cohort of CUP leaders to the campus in South Bend Among many leaders we are happy that our Theological faculty in Košice could have its representation in the vice dean for education. We are glad that we can gain new experiences and thus advance education at our Theological faculty.