The Catholic University in Ružomberok as full member of the Association of the Universities of the Third Age in Slovakia in line with § 1, art. 4, let. e) of the Law Nr. 131/2002 of the Code about the universities and about the variation and replacement some laws in the version of the later regulations and in the line with the Law Nr. 386/1997 of the Code about further education organises an education at the University of the Third Age (UTV). I tis the form of the lifelong education of the citizens which permits to satisfy their interests in the area of academic sciences.
The Mission of UTV is:
- To ensure the lifelong education of the older citizens in line with the philosophy of the further education in the Slovak Republic,
- To develope the special character of the education in the academic sciences in the Christian spirit,
- To provide studetns such knowledge and skills in the proper form which would be the contribution to the development of their personalities they would know how to face present day problems and challenges in this way to return the gain to the whole society.
Study Characteristic:
- 3 years of studies (6 semesters)
- twice a month in the form of an assembly. The assembly is tematically one 90 minute lecture and then discussion follows
- Cycles of lectures:
- 1. year: History of Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics, Religion Science, Pedagogy, Psychology, Sacral Arts, Gerontology
- 2. year: History of Catholic Church, Metaphysics, Ethics, Spiritual Theology, Moral Theology, Gerontology, Music Theory, Sacral Arts, Religion Science
- 3. year: General History, Slovak History, Bible Theology, Mariology, History of Movie Arts, History of Visual Arts, Language Science
- Graduation – if the student accomplishes all the conditions, he/she can sign for a final exam. After successful graduation he/she gains the certificate of the graduation at UTV.