Public health is multidisciplinary scientific field dealing with population health and the met- hods how to prevent from illnesses, to prolong li- fetime and reinforce health via organized effort of the society. It takes part in health improvement of population by means of medical education, health support, research and strategies of illness and inju- ries preventions. It is also a field that handles the difference decrease by struggling for fair providing of medical care, for its quality and availability.
Conditions for study admission are the accomplished high school education or the completed vocactional secondary school education, for external bachelor study program it is requested the accomplished secondary medical education with graduated leaving exam and at least 3 years of practice as public healthcare.
Applicability of the graduates:
- offices of public health,
- hospitals (hospital hygienist): protection of patients’ and employees’ health in hospital,
- research institutes oriented in infectious diseases, non-infectious but widespread illnesses, life and work environment and health,
- health consultancies: support of healthy lifestyle,
- non-profit organizations: projects of health support, intervention programs,
- labor inspectorates,
- public administration (branches of heal- thcare, environment),
- autonomy: problematics of protection and
support of people health, environmental in- fluences on health, prevention programs,
- universities,
- health services at work (job health servi- ces),
- healthcare and social insurances,
- commercial insurances in section of life ins- urance,
- institutes of social care,
- pharmacological
Why to study public health? Public Health employees try to change the world, at their research and practice, in the way that influences every household, workplace, school, community or the whole society. Most of the experts agree that main progress in healthcare improvement in next decades will not be based on new medical knowledge or medicaments, but more thanks to widespread development and applications of preventive programs oriented on population.