Faculty of Healthcare is the latest faculty created in the Catholic University in Ružomberok. This institution was established by the Catholic University rector decla- ration from 27th June 2005 about the previous authori- zation by Accreditation Commission of Slovak republic. The faculty was formed by transformation of public he- althcare and social labour situation what was part of Pe- dagogical faculty. The faculty aims and tasks are perfor- med in close cooperation with Central Militar Hospital of Slovak National Uprising in Ružomberok – teaching
hospital where clinic practice is performed. The tradition of this hospital has been developed for almost 100 years. There are qualified doctors, nurses and healthcare assistants working in all departments. The hospital is equipped with modern devices and it supplies healthcare needs in Army of Slovak republic, in Liptov region and in other regions of Slovakia. In the faculty there were then formed Department of Nur- sing, Department of Midwifery Assistance, Department of Emergency Healthcare, Department of Public Healthcare, Department of Physiotherapy and Department of Investigative Laboratory Methods. Cultu- ral, scientific and educational formation of students is based on humanistic and Christian principels.