Students and Staff of the Catholic University in Ruzomberok Stand with Ukraine

    Students of journalism from the Faculty of Arts and Letters organized a “Heart for Ukraine” event at the campus of our university.
    Students and Staff of the Catholic University in Ruzomberok Stand with Ukraine

    On 24th of February 2022 approximately 200 students and university staff gathered at the campus in Ruzomberok to express their solidarity with the people of Ukraine and with the Ukrainian students studying at our university.

    “I have a family in Kyiv, which is under attack. My family cannot leave. They are waiting what will happen. I am grateful for this type of support, which is very important to us,” a Ukrainian student of philosophy Mariia shared her experience.

    “This is very bad for Ukraine. Putin is a bad person. After spreading lies about the history of our country he is sending rockets and destroying our homeland. But it should not be like this. People should not be dying,” a student of English and German Oleksii added.

    During the event people listened to the Ukrainian anthem and to the speeches by students, the university bursar Jan Kamoda and the dean of the faculty Marek Babic.

    “The most powerful was the moment when I gave flowers to our Ukrainian students and I saw tears in their eyes. I hope they can feel they are not alone in these difficult times. They are safe in Slovakia but their families back home are facing aggression, every minute the situation is changing and they do not know what will happen to their families and siblings. I have no idea how we would handle a similar situation,” the dean Marek Babic said.

    At the end of the event, Jan Bystriansky from the University Pastoral Center prayed with the gathering for the peace in Ukraine. Students lit candles arranged in the shape of a heart to express their support for Ukraine.


    Photo: Marek Hasak