Filius datus est nobis

    Filius datus est nobis

    Catholic University in Ružomberok Receives Almost EUR 600 000 for the Reconstruction of the Building of its Faculty of Arts and Letters

    Catholic University in Ružomberok Receives Almost EUR 600 000 for the Reconstruction of the Building of its Faculty of Arts and Letters

    The Catholic University in Ružomberok has received almost EUR 600 000, which will be used to reduce the energy consumption of the building of the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the Catholic...
    A PhD Student from the Department of Journalism Completed the Free Society Seminar

    A PhD Student from the Department of Journalism Completed the Free Society Seminar

    In the middle of the summer holidays, our PhD student Mgr. Katarína Vargová participated in the Free Society Seminar (FSS) summer school, where she attended a series of lectures led by Slovak and...
    Professor Labudová awarded by the Liverpool University Press Reviewer Rewards

    Professor Labudová awarded by the Liverpool University Press Reviewer Rewards

    XXXII. International Philosophy Olympiad 2024

    XXXII. International Philosophy Olympiad 2024

    Winners of the Slovak Philosophy Olympiad participated in the final international round in Helsinki.
    CUP 2024 in Zagreb also with the participation of our students and faculty

    CUP 2024 in Zagreb also with the participation of our students and faculty

    May 2024, the CUP 2024 – 20 Years conference took place at the Catholic University of Croatia
    A Field Trip of Our International Students

    A Field Trip of Our International Students

    Students of Discover Slovakia course visited the Orava Gallery in Dolny Kubin.
    Quo Vadis Slovakia? Experts Discussed Slovakia's Membership in the EU

    Quo Vadis Slovakia? Experts Discussed Slovakia's Membership in the EU

    To celebrate accession to the EU, we hosted a discussion on European issues.
    Conservationist Marián Jasík on National Parks

    Conservationist Marián Jasík on National Parks

    The first public event within the EUPECCOM project dedicated to environmental issues took place at our university.
    Для зацікавлених з України

    Для зацікавлених з України

    We have a new section on our website for prospective students from Ukraine
    Pax vobis!

    Pax vobis!

    Pavol Labuda’s Guest Lecture at the Department of Philosophy

    Pavol Labuda’s Guest Lecture at the Department of Philosophy

    Our former colleague gave a talk on instrumental realism.
    Philosophical Olympiad Announces the Winners

    Philosophical Olympiad Announces the Winners

    We know the results of two rounds of the philosophy olympiad organized at our university.
    Our Philosophers at a Philosophy of History Conference

    Our Philosophers at a Philosophy of History Conference

    At the beginning of March, a conference on analytical philosophy of history was held at the Adam Mickiewicz University, in which two faculty from our Department of Philosophy participated.
    The First Course of the EUPECCOM Project

    The First Course of the EUPECCOM Project

    Our Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project started in the fall term with the first course.
    ... et habitavit in nobis

    ... et habitavit in nobis

    „Et Verbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis.“ Jn 1,14
    Interview with David Palatinus about the EUPECCOM project

    Interview with David Palatinus about the EUPECCOM project

    The project European Perspectives on Climate, Conflict and Migration (EUPECCOM) is being implemented at the Faculty of Arts and Letters, CU in Ruzomberok from the winter semester 2023/2024.
    Robert Nanovic has been awarded an honorary doctorate at the proposal of the Faculty of Arts and Letters

    Robert Nanovic has been awarded an honorary doctorate at the proposal of the Faculty of Arts and Letters

    A New Project on European Issues

    A New Project on European Issues

    With the start of the teaching term, we are implementing a new Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project.
    Members of the Faculty Leadership Trained their Management Skills at the University of Notre Dame

    Members of the Faculty Leadership Trained their Management Skills at the University of Notre Dame

    Samuel Štefan Mahút, the dean of the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Catholic University in Ružomberok and Terézia Rončáková, the vice-dean for research and doctoral studies, represented the...