prof. Mgr. Terézia Rončáková PhD.

    Vice Dean, Professor
    prof. Mgr. Terézia Rončáková PhD.

    Where to find me

    Department of Journalism

    Hrabovská cesta 1B
    03401 Ružomberok

    Office: 313
    Phone: +421918 722 076

    Consulting hours

    10:00 - 12:00

    ResearchGateORCIDAcademia.eduWOS ResearcherSCOPUSGoogle Scholar

    Professional characteristics

    Prof. Terézia Rončáková, PhD., (*1980) is a lecturer of media studies and vice-dean for science at the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slovakia. She worked for the Slovak News Agency SITA, the Catholic Newspaper, and the Radio Vatican in Rome. Scientific interest focuses on journalistic and religious style and journalistic genre. She is an author of monographs The intersection between religious and journalistic style I, II, III, Religious Messages in the Media: Mission Impossible? and Contemporary Journalistic Genres. She is a member of the Ladislav Hanus Fellowship, the Association of Catholic Journalists Network Slovakia and the Forum for Public Affairs.