About the Department
The history of the department is directly connected with the establishment of the Faculty of Education of the CU in 2000. During this period, the Department of Natural Sciences was
transformed into the Department of Biology. The department has been accredited by the 5-year Master's study program Teaching General Subjects in combination with Biology. Currently, the Department of Biology and Ecology provides a fully accredited education in the undergraduate and master study program "Teaching Biology in Combination". The department has the right to take rigorous examinations and award the title PaedDr. Study and scientific activities at the Department of Biology and Ecology are provided by experienced teachers and practitioners. They carry out, provide and develop pedagogical and scientific activities in the fields of biology, zoology, botany, plant physiology, environmental engineering, general ecology and ecology of the individual and population and synecology.The department is also focused on the development of innovative didactic and methodological approaches in teaching biological-ecological as well as environmental subjects that contribute to improving the educational process at regional schools of all levels.
Laboratories and special classrooms
Especially for teaching biology and ecology, the microscopic laboratory and biochemical laboratory are used. The microscopic laboratory is equipped with binocular and stereoscopic microscopes, there are also microscopic preparations of plant tissues, organs and selected taxonomic groups of algae and histological preparations of animal organs, animal skeletons, human skeleton, herbariums of higher plants, didactic aids. The Department of Biology and Ecology also has several devices and other technical equipment necessary for scientific research of staff and students in the framework of diploma theses.
Experimental and diagnostic equipment of the Department of Biology and Ecology includes Fluorescence Microscope, LEICA M 205C Stereomicroscope with accessories, Stereoloupe, Optical Microscope, Sens AA Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Refractometer, DIGITHEAT drier with temperature and time control, Balances, Analytical balances with calibration, Magnetic stirrers with heating, LEICA TP 1020 tissue draining machine, LEICA EG 1160 embedding machine, Laser particle analyzer, Heating blocks, Liquid chromatograph, Muffle furnace, Thermostat - water bath, Spectrophotometer CINTRA, Homogenizer.
Education – study programmes (Bachelor, Master)
The Department of Biology and Ecology provides these study programmes:
- Biology Teaching in combination (Bachelor, Master)
- Extension pedagogical study of Biology Teaching
- University of Third Age