Transtational project meeting of KNOWLO project in Prague
A meeting of partners of the KNOWLO project was held in Prague on January 19 and 20, 2023, the aim of which is to develop a framework and methodology for learning organizations to become SMART organizations. Part of the meeting was the presentation of the project survey.
The survey conducted on a sample of 265 respondents from the Czech Republic, Italy, Latvia, Slovakia and Spain describes the opinions of managers, teachers, other school staff and students on four different areas of the SMART aspects of the learning organization: (1) organizational self-awareness, strategy and development; (2) learning, communication and collaboration; (3) clients, sustainability and product orientation; (4) digital transformation, global context and value creation.
The results show that teachers prefer an organizational environment in which there is a clear strategy, a culture of excellence, a preference for innovative teaching methods, a strong external connection, clarity of rules and stability in the organization. In addition, the need for teachers to receive constructive feedback to help them progress, was highlighted. Lifelong learning, clarity of rules and stability of the organizational environment are also considered important. Relationships in the organization are also important for them, emphasizing the value of each member and mutual cooperation. On the other hand, negative aspects of working in education include stress, lack of funds, language barrier, directive management, insufficient technical equipment and poor standards for online teaching.
Compared to foreign partners, teachers from Slovakia agreed less that a culture of excellence should be expected in every organization, that external networks have an impact on the organization, that teamwork is preferred, that teachers are well equipped with languages, that technical equipment is sufficient, and they also expressed the opinion that the organization does not have enough money from the state budget.
At the project meeting, Catholic University in Ružomberok was represented by vice-rector Markéta Rusnáková and head of the Department of Social Work, dr. Daniel Markovič. The process of transforming the SMART attributes of the learning organization into the construction of an evaluation questionnaire was started.
Authors: Markéta Rusnáková, Daniel Markovič