PhDr. Lenka Štefáková, PhD.

Where to find me
Department of Social Work
Hrabovská cesta 1
02601 Ružomberok
Office: 422
+421 44 43 26 842
Consulting hours
Tuesday | 14:30 - 16:00 |
Individuálne po dohode emailom.
Professional characteristics
Education and training
October 2007-September 2010 - PhD - Catholic University of Ružomberok, Faculty of Education, Institute of Social Sciences
2007 - PhDr. - Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Education, Institute of Social Sciences
2000-2005 - Mgr. - University of Trnava, Faculty of Health and Social Work
2010-trva - Assistant Professor - Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Education, Department of Social Work, Ružomberok
2007-2010 - Internal doctoral student - Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Education, Department of Social Work, Ružomberok
2006-2007 - Educator - Social Services Home for Children and Adults, Home for Single Parents, Crisis Centre, Dolný Kubín
Lecture stays at foreign universities
- 21.11-26.11.2011, Warsaw , Poland, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
- 21.10-26.10.2012, Ostrava, Czech Republic, Faculty of Social Studies, University of Ostrava
- 11.11-16.11.2013, Krakow, Poland, Institute of Education Sciences, Jesuit university Ignatianum w Krakowie
- 22.11-25.11.2015, Liberec, Czech Republic, Department of Social Studies and Special Education, Faculty of Science, Humanities and Pedagogy, Technical University of Liberec
- 23.04-26.04.2017, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, Department of Social Work, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem
- 23.04-26.04.2019, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Department of Sociology, Andragogy and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, Palacký University in Olomouc
- 12.04-15.04.2021, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, Department of Primary, Pre-primary and Special Education, Faculty of Education, University of Hradec Králové
- 26.03-31.03.2023, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, Department of Social Work, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem
Other activities
Member of the Association of Social Work Educators.
Member of the Slovak Chamber of Social Workers and Social Work Assistants.
Coordinator and tutor of professional practice in the field of social work at KSP PF KU in Ružomberok.
Contact person between the University and the Ministry of Social Work and Social Policy within the Memorandum of Cooperation, the purpose of which is to provide assistance and support to the clients of the institutions through students of the accredited study field of social work on a voluntary basis.
Completion of further education
Certificate of completion of the accredited educational programme of further education "Sociotherapy" in the scope of 480 hours. Theoretical background of sociotherapy (30 hours), System of work in helping professions and self-knowledge of a sociotherapist (30 hours), Personality of a sociotherapist and ethical background of his/her work (30 hours), Communication skills of a sociotherapist (30 hours), Conditions of performance of sociotherapy (30 hours), first contact and contract (50 hours), Assessment of client's social situation and joint planning of intervention (50 hours), Sociotherapeutic intervention I (50 hours), Sociotherapeutic intervention II (50 hours), Case management and termination of sociotherapeutic intervention (50 hours), Supervision of sociotherapeutic case (110 hours). Expert guarantor: prof. PhDr. Ján Gabura, CSc. In Šúrovce 12.01.2019
Graduate of the specific training program of coaching (75,5 hours) and the program of supervision and mentoring (10 hours) in Modules 1-5 of Integrative Coaching and Key Competencies. Completed 10 days of Polarity Principle Coach Training and demonstrated competency and proficiency in the Polarity Principle and coaching techniques. Mgr. Mgr. Dalibor Bednařík, ICF PCC, Official ICF Mentor Coach. In Bratislava, 29.3.2022. As a certificate holder, she is certified as a "Professional Certified Integrative Coach".
Graduate of the accredited educational program of further education Supervision in the helping professions in the scope of 240 hours. Edith Stein Academy of Humanities and Intercultural Studies. Expert guarantor. PhDr. Michal Oláh, PhD. In Bratislava 06.06.2023
Graduate of the accredited educational programme "Trauma and Addiction" (accreditation number of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic granted to the educational programme: A2022/0053-SP/PC/PP) in the scope of 16 hours. 24-25 November 2023, Brno
Certificate of completion of the Social Psychological Training course. Course accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic. MODULE 1 - Self-knowledge and interpersonal perception, basics of communication - 30 hours (self-presentation - 5h., self-knowledge - 5h., temperamental types - 5h., personality traits - 5., interpersonal capacity - 5h., self and family and society - 5h.) and MODULE 2 - Communication and Assertiveness - 30 hours (introduction to communication - 8h., verbal communication - 4h., non-verbal communication - 3h., feedback and active listening - 6h., assertiveness - 9h.) - completion 2007
Certificate from the course Training for the implementation of alternative punishments within the IS EQUAL project No. 21/04-I/33-1.2, implemented by the Consultation and Information Centre EDUKOS in Dolný Kubín, in the period from 2 April 2008 to 17 April 2008. 2008 in the scope of 40 hours, with professional content - legal aspects of alternative punishments, administrative aspects of alternative punishments, psychological aspects of alternative punishments, specifics of the personality of the convicted client, training of assertive behaviour, conflict resolution, psychohygiene when working with a risky client.
Participation in the professional seminar Supervision and education as a prerequisite for quality social work, 25-27 September 2008 - Malinô Brdo in Ružomberok, which is the result of the scientific research project VEGA No. 1/0532/08 Supervision as a basic prerequisite for quality social work. Organized by the University of Health and Social Work St. Elizabeth in Bratislava - Department of Social Work and the University of Presov in Presov - Department of Christian Anthropology and Social Work PBF.
Certificate in Nonviolent Communication training, accredited by the International Centre for Nonviolent Communication in Budapest, under the guidance of Evo Rambal, implemented on 19-20 October 2008 in Ružomberok in the scope of 20 hours.
Certificate of Participation "Building civil society & fighting social exclusion - contemporary challanges for social work". Autumn Seminars 2008 - LLP Erasmus ERA-IP-5-2008/8/2007-2. John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland, 12-22.11.2008.
ECDL Start Certificate - European Computer Driving Licence, Module (4): computer work and file management, word processing, spreadsheet, electronic presentation. Awarded by ECDL licensee - Slovak Information Society, 25.11.2008
Certificate of completion of the course Social Psychological Training. Course accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic. MODULE 3 - Cooperation and rivalry, conflict resolution - 30 hours (phases and stages of conflict development - 6h., conflict resolution, constructive quarrel - 10h., constructive quarrel - 7h., argumentation - 7h.) - completion 2010
Volunteer in ViaVitae, n.o. in Ružomberok since 1.10.2013.
Certificate of participation in a one-day seminar with PhDr. Jiřina Prekopová "Problems and solutions in the education of the new generation", in Ružomberok, 27.03.2014
Certificate of completion of the accredited educational programme of further education - Tutor in the counselling process for adults in the field of further education (120 hours), with professional content in the subject composition Counselling for adults - 60 hours, Coaching in the counselling centre for adults - 36 hours, Supporting tools in the counselling centre for adults - 24 hours. Organisation: National Institute for Lifelong Learning. Completion - in Bratislava, on 29.03.2014
Certificate of completion of the accredited educational programme of further education - Manager of further education (100 hours), with professional content in the subject composition Specifics of adult education - 50 hours, Education in the organization - 50 hours. Organisation: National Institute of Lifelong Learning. Completion - in Bratislava, on 11.10.2014.
Certificate of completion of accredited training program - PRIDE. 27 hours. Topics of the sessions: familiarization with the PRIDE program, work of a member of a professional team, meeting developmental needs: attachment, meeting developmental needs: loss, strengthening family relationships, meeting developmental needs: discipline, continuation of family relationships, planning for change. Organisation: SPDDD Úsmev ako dar, o.z., Ružomberok branch. Closed on 26.11.2014.
Certificate of completion of the accredited educational programme of further education - Lecturer of further education (150 hours), with professional content in the subject composition Andragogical competences - 50 hours, Didactic competences - 50 hours, Personal, social and reflexive competences - 50 hours. Organisation. Completion - in Bratislava, on 13.12.2014.
Certificate of pedagogical competence for pedagogical staff in the category - teacher. In Ružomberok, 22.05.2015.
Certificate of completion of an accredited educational programme with national validity of the EU member country Caregiving course - combined form, in the scope of 220 hours, in the term 22.07.2015-10.09.2015. In Ružomberok 10.09.2015
Certificate of completion of an accredited educational programme with national validity of the EU member country Caregiving course - combined form, in the scope of 220 hours, in the term 22.07.2015-10.09.2015. In Ružomberok 10.09.2015
Confirmation of participation in the international professional seminar "Professional practice in the pregraduate preparation of social workers from the perspective of the implementer". Mgr. Zuzana Truhlářová, Ph.D. In Hradec Kralove, 01.10.2015
Confirmation of enrolment in the list of founding members of the Slovak Chamber of Social Workers and Social Work Assistants. Registration number: CK0335. In Bratislava, 18.11.2015.
Certificate of completion of 18 hours of educational seminar - area of activities of daily life, sensorimotor material and Montessori philosophy - focused on working with children from 0 to 6 years. In Žilina, 9.4.2016, MVDr. Eva Štarková - lecturer
Confirmation of participation in the Seminar on the concept of Sensory Activation. Ing. Bc. Hana Vojtová. In Ružomberok 07.09.2017
Certificate of completion of the training program "Contact with clients with specific needs" in the scope of teaching 16 hours. Mgr. Mgr. Eva Vernerová. In Bratislava 04.-05.01.2018
Certificate of completion of the educational program "Boundaries" in the scope of 20 teaching hours. Mgr. Mgr. Vladimír Hambálek. In Bratislava 16.-17.01.2018
The field of study or field of research and development in which he or she is working:
Social work
Assessment of projects:
Elaboration of expert opinion on the application for subsidy for the KEGA project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic - KEGA project No. 004TTU-4/2017 entitled "Research on the education of students in the field of counseling with an emphasis on the integral link between professional and practical skills, as a basis for the creation of interdisciplinary studies". 2016.
Elaboration of the expert opinion on the KEGA project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic - KEGA project no. 010TTU-4/2014 entitled "New model of effective student practice using counselling in families with specific social problems".
Completed foreign projects
Teaching of the Catholic Social Doctrine on the Universities. Washington D.C. CORPORATION. Incorporated under the Laws of the STATE OF DELAWARE WDSC/USA-07/04.12/01. Amount Approved: 498¢. Košč Stanislav, doc. PhDr. ThDr. PhD., co-investigator. Martina Špániková, Mgr. Lenka Štefáková, PhDr. Soňa Dvorská, PhDr. Irena Kamanová, PhD., Ing. Róbert Bílek, PhDr. Pavol Pukaj, Mgr. Peter Lysý, Dr. Hab. Jerzy Gocko, Pádraig Corkery BSc, Faculty of Science: Faculty of Education, Co-researcher institution: Faculty of Theology, University of Trnava, Katovicky Unywersytet Lubelski Jana Pawla II, Maynooth Pontifical University St. Patricś College Annotation, aim of the project: In the context of the gradual retreat of humanities and social sciences from the obligatory Marxist philosophical foundations, the possibility and interest to study within the framework of individual sciences also the relevant attitudes of the Catholic Church is showing itself. The aim of the project was to investigate the inclusion of this subject in individual study programmes at universities and colleges throughout Slovakia and, based on experience from abroad, to offer some optimisation of this education.
Development Project - Erasmus Mundus European Master in Social Work with Children and Youth
Grant Agency - Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Project number - 619857-EPP-1-2020-1-LT-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB
Project Name - Erasmus Mundus European Master in Social Work with Children and Youth
Principal Investigator - Slovak coordinator: dr. Markovič, researchers: Markéta Rusnáková, Irena Kamanová, Vladimír Labáth, Katarína Kohútová, Martina Špániková, Angela Almašiová, Lenka Štefáková, Soňa Šrobárová
Evaluation and main results of the project in 2018 - The aim is to implement an international joint Master's degree programme. In 2020, an Erasmus Mundus application was submitted, in which we were the first Slovak HEI to succeed
Duration of the project - 2020 - 2024
Completed home projects - Principal Investigator/Co-investigator
KEGA 014KU-4/2020 Implementation of innovative tools in higher education in the field of social work with a focus on the employment of graduates
Deputy project leader
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Irena Kamanová, PhD.
The aim of the project is the creation and pilot testing of a specialized web portal enabling a qualitatively higher level of implementation of professional practice in the field of social work at universities providing undergraduate training of future social workers and a closer link between theory and practice. The modern web platform is to create a user-friendly environment for all members of the triad - the university, the practice workplace and the student. This is in terms of management and administration of the whole process of professional practice, selection of appropriate variable tools for effective communication, embedded elements of knowledge management enabling mutual sharing of theoretical knowledge with practice and streamlining the individual continuous five-year process of training of the future social worker. The intention of the project derives from the fact that university study programmes in social work are content-oriented towards the acquisition, development and strengthening of the student's professional competences in practice, with an emphasis on increasing the share of professional practice. Therefore, in the process of developing the competences of the future social worker of the first and second university degree, it is necessary to ensure the real contact of students with social work and the client, through practical education taking place during their university training. This conditions the process of making the student's own tacit knowledge more explicit. The purpose of the platform is to create optimal conditions for their fulfilment - for all members of the triad. From a network of collaborating practice sites (meeting set criteria), the possibility of choice for the student based on their own abilities and sufficient information for decision making, as well as the use of elements of knowledge management for the permanent development of the content of the study units. The process of developing the platform will consist of analysing the potential and needs of the different stakeholder groups, selecting the appropriate tools to align them with each other and creating the conditions/environment to enable them to collaborate and share knowledge with each other.
KEGA 021KU-4/2021 - Interprofessional cooperation in rehabilitation of the elderly
Rehabilitation is one of the pillars of geriatric care. It helps to improve the quality of life of seniors, but also of family members, by eliminating the need for assistance. Rehabilitation is an important part of treatment, but also a method of prevention. Interprofessional (multidisciplinary) cooperation is important for increasing the effectiveness of individual rehabilitation methods. Important team members include the doctor, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, nurse, social worker, but also the patient, family member or carer. The project will also focus on rehabilitation and its specificities in the elderly, but also on the individual techniques and interventions that are a priority in the care of the elderly. The intention of the project is to develop scripts that will include individual methods, techniques of rehabilitation for nursing and physiotherapy students. We will then observe the students' skills and the effect of rehabilitation directly in practice in the nursing and geriatric wards using assessment scales. The results of the clinical research using both qualitative and quantitative methods will be incorporated into the main output of the project- a scientific monograph. In addition to research, the monograph will contain basic data on rehabilitation in geriatrics, specific features of rehabilitation implementation in the most frequently occurring chronic diseases, but also acute, especially respiratory infections. Nursing rehabilitation, therapeutic physical education, kinesiotherapy, occupational therapy, social rehabilitation, etc. will be covered. We will link research outputs with theoretical and practical characteristics of the methods. The authors themselves, who are professionals in various fields with many years of clinical and pedagogical experience, are also a benefit.
Scientific papers in domestic journals registered in Web of Science or SCOPUS databases
ID: 440612 | Stress Management Strategies for Hospice Care Professionals During the Covid-19 Pandemic / Štefáková, Lenka [Author, 25%] ; Kohútová, Katarína [Author, 50%] ; Gerec, Filip [Author, 25%]. - WOS CC In: Acta Missiologica [textual document (print)] [electronic document] : academic journal of the John Paul II Institute of Missionary Work and Tropical Health, University of Health and Social Work of St. Elizabeth - Bratislava (Slovakia) : University of Health and Social Work of St. Elizabeth in Bratislava. - ISSN 1337-7515. - ISSN (online) 2453-7160. - ISSN (misspelled) 1333-0023. - Vol. 15, No. 2 (2021), 172-185 [printed form] [online]
Kohútová, Katarína, Štefáková, Lenka, Gerec, Filip. Impact of mindfulness and coping strategies on the well-being of hospice workers in Slovakia during the Covid-19 pandemic [elektronický dokument]. DOI 10.32725/kont.2022.040 In: Kontakt: vědecký časopis Zdravotně sociální fakulty Jihočeské univerzity: časopis pro ošetřovatelství a sociální vědy ve zdraví a nemoci: Journal of nursing and social sciences related to health and illness. České Budejovice: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích. Zdravotně sociální fakulta, 2022, Roč. 24, č. 4, s. 331-338 [tlačená forma] [online]. ISSN 1212-4117. ISSN (online) 1804-7122. [angličtina]
FAI Editorial and compilation work of book character: 14
FAI 01 Innovations, planning and quality of social services in the community [electronic resource] : proceedings of the 1st international scientific conference : Ružomberok, 5 May 2011 / eds. Irena Kamanová, Lenka Štefáková, Lucia Juhásová ; Zuzana Gejdošová, Zuzana Truhlářová. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2011. - 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM); 268 p. - Electronic proceedings. - ISBN 978-80-8084-781-4. - Title from the main screen. - System requirements: Windows 95 and higher; CD-ROM drive.
FAI 02 Interdisciplinary collaboration in nursing, midwifery and social work : peer-reviewed proceedings of the 3rd international scientific conference : 9 December 2011 in Ruzomberok / ed. Irena Kamanová, Lenka Štefáková ; rec. Ladislav Vaska, Zuzana Truhlářová. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2012. - 224 p. - ISBN 978-80-8084-873-6.
FAI 03 X. nationwide conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation [electronic resource] : 28-29.6.2013, Catholic University in Ružomberok / ed. Irena Kamanová, Margita Kosturíková, Lenka Štefáková. - Prešov : Vydavateľstvo Michala Vašek, 2013. - 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM); 366 p. - Electronic proceedings. - ISBN 978-80-89542-30-7. - Title from main screen. - System requirements: Windows 95 and above; CD-ROM drive.
FAI 04 Interdisciplinary collaboration in nursing, midwifery and social work : peer-reviewed proceedings of the 5th international scientific conference : Ružomberok, 28.11.2013 / ed. Irena Kamanová, Lenka Štefáková. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2013. - 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM); 151 s. - Electronic proceedings. - ISBN 978-80-56-0076-9. - Title from the main screen. - System requirements: Windows 95 and higher; CD-ROM drive.
FAI 05 XIth nationwide conference of nurses working in social services facilities [electronic resource] : proceedings of the XIth nationwide conference of nurses working in social services facilities with international participation : 27-28 June 2014, Ružomberok / Irena Kamanová, Lenka Štefáková (ed. ). - [1st ed.]. - Bratislava : Slovak Chamber of Nurses and Midwives, 2014. - 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM); 172 p. - Electronic proceedings. - ISBN 978-80-89542-42-0. - Title from the main screen. - System requirements: Windows 95 and higher; CD-ROM drive.
FAI 06 XIIth national conference of nurses working in social service facilities [electronic resource] : proceedings of the XIIth national conference of nurses working in social service facilities with international participation : 4-5. September 2015, Ružomberok / Irena Kamanová, Lenka Štefáková (ed.). - [1st ed.]. - Bratislava : Slovak Chamber of Nurses and Midwives, 2015. - 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM); 248 s. - Electronic proceedings. - ISBN 978-80-89542-50-5. - Title from the main screen. - System requirements: Windows 95 and higher; CD-ROM drive.
FAI 07 XIIIth nationwide conference of nurses working in social service institutions [electronic resource] : proceedings of the XIIIth nationwide conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation / Irena Kamanová, Lenka Štefáková (eds. ). - 1st ed. - Bratislava : Slovak Chamber of Nurses and Midwives, 2016. - 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM); 164 p. - Electronic proceedings. - ISBN 978-80-89542-61-1. - Title from the main screen. - System requirements: Windows 95 and higher; CD-ROM drive.
FAI 08 Methods and methodology of social work I. : forms and types of social work / comp. Lenka Štefáková, Vladimíra Hulínová. - 1st ed. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2016. - 259 p. - ISBN 978-80-561-0400-2.
FAI 09 Methods and methodology of social work II. : client's problematic life situations and their solution / compiled by. Vladimíra Hulínová, Lenka Štefáková. - 1st ed. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2016. - 263 s. - ISBN 978-80-561-0386-9.
FAI 10 Methods and methodology of social work III. : managerial practices, planning and methods in social work / comp. Lenka Štefáková. - 1st ed. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2017. - 276 s. - ISBN 978-80-561-0431-6.
FAI 11 XIVth All-Slovak conference of nurses working in social service institutions [electronic resource] : proceedings of the XIVth All-Slovak conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation / Irena Kamanová, Lenka Štefáková (eds. ). - 1st ed. - Bratislava : Slovak Chamber of Nurses and Midwives, 2017. - 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM); 327 p. - Electronic proceedings. - ISBN 978-80-89542-66-6. - Title from the main screen. - System requirements: Windows 95 and higher; CD-ROM drive.
FAI 12 Methods and methodology of social work IV. : selected areas in practical social work / compiled by. Lenka Štefáková. - 1st ed. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2018. - 222 p. - ISBN 978-80-561-0576-4.
FAI 13 Social services in self-government [textual document (print)] : refereed proceedings of the international scientific conference / Kamanová, Irena [Compiler, editor, KURPESP, 50%] ; Štefáková, Lenka [Compiler, editor, KURPESP, 50%] ; Kucharska, Ewa [Reviewer] ; Truhlářová, Zuzana [Reviewer] ; Social services in self-government [26. 2018, Ružomberok, Slovakia]. - 1st ed. - Ružomberok (Slovakia) : Catholic University of Ružomberok. VERBUM - publishing house KU, 2019. - 164 s. [printed form]. - [Slovak]. - [OV 060]. - ISBN 978-80-561-0687-7
ID: 224583 | Social work in early intervention [textual document (print)] / Štefáková, Lenka [Author, 50%] ; Šimek, Jakub [Author, 50%] ; Kamanová, Irena [Reviewer] ; Kucharska, Ewa [Reviewer] ; Špániková, Martina [Reviewer]. - 1st ed. - Ružomberok (Slovakia) : Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku. VERBUM - publishing house KU, 2020. - 112 s. [printed form]. - ISBN 978-80-561-0762-1
ABC Chapters in scientific monographs published in foreign publishers: 2
ABC 01 ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L., BERNOLÁKOVÁ, Ľ.: Potrzeba samorealizacji i sensowności wykorzystania czasu wolnego przez seniorów. In: Wybrane aspekty opieki nad osobami starszymi z perspektywy opieki zdrowotnej i pracy socjalnej. Kraków: HOMO DEI, 2013, pp. 64-93. ISBN 978-83-64451-04-1
ABC 02 ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Hospice care for a terminally ill child client. (Hospice care for the terminally ill child client.) Kraków: Salwator, 2013, pp. 208-236. ISBN 978-83-7580-379-2
ABD Chapters in scientific monographs published in domestic publishers: 1
ABD 01 ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Crisis intervention in survivors. In. Soňa Šrobárová. - 1st ed. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2017. 65-92 s. ISBN 978-80-561-0414-9.
ACB University textbooks published by domestic publishers: 1
ACB 01 ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Fundamentals of hospice and palliative care for social workers. - 1st ed. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2018. - 201 p. - ISBN 978-80-561-0577-1.
ACD Chapters in university textbooks published by domestic publishers: 3
ACD 01 ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Terminological definition of methods and methodology of social work. In: Methods and methodology of social work I. : forms and types of social work / compiled by. Lenka Štefáková, Vladimíra Hulínová. - 1st ed. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2016. - ISBN 978-80-561-0400-2, S. 15-35
ACD 02 ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Counseling for people with visual impairment. In: Methods and methodology of social work IV: Selected areas of practical social work / compiled by. Lenka Štefáková. - 1st ed. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2018. - 222 s. - ISBN 978-80-561-0576-4.
ACD 03 ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Social rehabilitation of people with autism spectrum disorder with a focus on their inclusion in the labour market using job coaching. In: Methods and methodology of social work IV: Selected areas of practical social work / compiled by. Lenka Štefáková. - 1st ed. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2018. - 222 s. - ISBN 978-80-561-0576-4.
ADM 02 ID: 224779 | Burnout Syndrome in Relation to the Sensitivity of Nurses, Teachers and Social Workers / Fričová, Júlia [Author, 25%] ; Kohútová, Katarína [Author, 50%] ; Štefáková, Lenka [Author, 25%] ; CBU International Conference [18.03.2020-20.03. 2020, Prague, Czech Republic] In. 8. - Prague (Czech Republic) : CBU Research Institute, 2020. - ISBN 978-80-907722-6-7. - ISBN (electronic) 978-80-907722-5-0, pp. 44-52 [printed form] [online]
ADM 03 ID: 224765 | Gender Stereotypes in the Professional Approach of Social Workers in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Lithuania / Fričová, Júlia [Author, 50%] ; Štefáková, Lenka [Author, 25%] ; Kohútová, Katarína [Author, 25%] ; CBU International Conference [18.03.2020-20.03. 2020, Prague, Czech Republic] In. 8. - Prague (Czech Republic) : CBU Research Institute, 2020. - ISBN 978-80-907722-6-7. - ISBN (electronic) 978-80-907722-5-0, pp. 53-60 [printed form] [online]
Other significant scientific, professional or artistic activities:
- reviews of proceedings, monographs: 10
Review of monograph - Martin Hulín, Vladimíra Antolová, Martin Martin Martinkovič, Ľuboš Kovács, Dáša Knošková: Where is my home? Homelessness and Access to Housing among Asylum-Seekers, Refugees and Person with International Protection in the Slovek Republic. Kraków: Wydawnictvo Salwator, 2013, 48 p. ISBN 978-83-7580-377-8
Review of the monograph - Soňa Šrobárová: The intervention and resocialization from point of view of the methods in social work. Kraków : Salwator, 2013. 166 p. - ISBN 978-83-7580-376-1
Review - Educational and probation programs in social work in criminal justice. Editors. Eva Vajzerová, Ing. Martina Špániková, PhD., Dolný Kubín.
Review of the proceedings - Interdisciplinary approaches in nursing, midwifery and social work: peer-reviewed proceedings of contributions of PhD students from the 5th International Scientific Conference : Ružomberok, 28.11.2013 / ed. Irena Kamanová, Soňa Šrobárová. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2013. - 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM); 268 s. - Electronic proceedings. - ISBN 9778-80-561-0075-2. Lenka Štefáková, PhD., Ladislav Vaska, PhDr., PhD.
Proceedings review - Current events, perspectives and development trends in social, educational and health work with marginalized groups[electronic resource] : proceedings of the international scientific conference InteRRa 18 : 29-30.11.2012, Ružomberok / compiled by. Markéta Rusnáková. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2013. - 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM); 370 s. - Electronic proceedings. - ISBN 978-80-561-0026-4. - Reviewers. Anna Weissbrot-Koziarska, doc. PhDr. Ing. Emília Janigová, PhD., PhDr. Lenka Štefáková, PhD., Mgr. Daniel Markovič, PhD.
Review of the proceedings - Week of Science and Art at the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University of Ružomberok 2013 [electronic resource] : proceedings of lectures from the Week of European Science : Ružomberok, 11.11.-17.11.2013 / compiled by. Tomáš Jablonský, Emília Janigová. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2013. - 466 s. - Electronic proceedings. - ISBN 978-80-561-0091-2.
Review of scientific monograph published in foreign publishing house - Social problems in sclerosis multiplex disease. Authors: Anna Šaffová, Irena Kamanová. Rev. Gabriela Korimová, Eva Kucharska, Lenka Štefáková. - first edition. - Brno : Tribun EU, 2015. - 127 p. - ISBN 978-80-263-0992-5.
Review of a professional book publication published in a foreign publishing house - Activation of seniors with dementia / Irena Kamanová, Miroslava Tokovská ; rec. Ewa Kucharska, Robert Necek et al. - 1st ed. - Brno : Tribun EU, 2014. - 145 p. - ISBN 978-80-263-0870-6.
Review of the scientific monograph published in the home publishing house - Community social work / Patrik Kormanec, Irena Kamanová ; rec. Gabriela Korimová, Ewa Kucharska et al. - 1st ed. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2016. - 167 p. - ISBN 978-80-561-0401-9.
Review - 2. Community plan of social and related services of the town of Ružomberok for the period 2015-2017. Irena Kamanová. Ružomberok : Catholic University : VERBUM - publishing house of the Catholic University, 2015. CD. ISBN 978-80-561-0244-2
- reviews of papers in proceedings: 28
Paper review - Benková, Žilová: Social worker collaboration in an interdisciplinary team in hospice care. In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitatis Catholica Ruzomberok, Ruzomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Issue 5, 2013, Volume XII. ISSN 1336-2232
Paper review - Problems in Communication with Patients with Visual Impairment = Problems in Communication with Visual Impairment Patients / Marcela Ižová, Martina Janckulíková, 2013. In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae : Universitas Catholica Ružomberok. - ISSN 1336-2232, Vol. 12, No. 5 (2013), pp. 78-85.
Paper review - Spyrka-Chlipała: The social status of the profession of social worker. In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitatis Catholica Ruzomberok, Ruzomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University of Ruzomberok, Issue 5, 2013, Volume XII. ISSN 1336-2232
Paper review - Marcela Ižová, Janckulíková Martina: COMMUNICATION WITH A PATIENT WITH DISABILITY. In "Interdisciplinary cooperation in nursing, midwifery and social work". Refereed proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference Ružomberok 2013, 151 s. CD, ISBN 978-80-561-0076-9
Paper review - Anna Leščáková: EDUCATIONAL AND LEISURE ACTIVITIES IN COMMUNITY CENTRES IN THE DISTRICT OF LEVOČA. In Refereed proceedings of doctoral students' papers from the 5th international scientific conference "Interdisciplinary approaches in nursing, midwifery and social work". Ružomberok 2013, 268 s. CD, ISBN 978-80-561-0075-2
Review of the paper - Emil Maretta: EDUCATION AND EDUCATION AIMED AT ENSURING THE SENIOR SENIORS' SENIOR LIVING CONDITION IN THE AGE OF GROWING AGE. In Refereed proceedings of doctoral students' papers from the 5th International Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinary Approaches in Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work". Ružomberok 2013, 268 p. CD, ISBN 978-80-561-0075-2
Paper review - Lenka Neubauerová: THE USE OF ALTERNATIVE AND AUGMENTATIVE COMMUNICATION METHODS FOR PEOPLE WITH MENTAL DISABILITIES IN A DAY-CARE CENTRE. In Refereed Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinary Approaches in Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work". Ružomberok 2013, 268 p. CD, ISBN 978-80-561-0075-2
Review of the paper - Pavel Novák: ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF DISABLED PERSONS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC. In Refereed Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinary Approaches in Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work". Ružomberok 2013, 268 p. CD, ISBN 978-80-561-0075-2
Review of the paper - Jadwiga Sobczuk: TOURISM RELIGIOUS AS EMPOWERMENT IN SOCIAL WORK. In Refereed proceedings of doctoral students' papers from the 5th International Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinary Approaches in Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work". Ružomberok 2013, 268 p. CD, ISBN 978-80-561-0075-2
Review of the paper in the proceedings - Daniela Baníková - Baštigálová: SK SaPA STATE ORGANIZATION FOR NURSES. In Proceedings of the national conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation. Ružomberok 2013, 366 p. CD, ISBN 978-80-89542-30-7
Zuzana Hrabovská: Institutional social care for the elderly in the Slovak Republic. In Proceedings of the national conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation. Ružomberok 2013, 366 s. CD, ISBN 978-80-89542-30-7
Pančíková, S., Kamanová, I.: "Cooperation of a diagnostic group at a children's home with a professional family." In Disputationes Scientificae Universitatis Catholicae in Ružomberok, Ružomberok, vol. 10, No.2, 2010, pp.113-123, ISSN 1335-9185
Review of the paper in the proceedings - Mariana Magerčiaková: Professional practice of nursing students at general outpatient and home care workplaces. In Proceedings of the international professional conference "The contribution of student professional practice in social work, nursing and midwifery". Ružomberok 2009, pp.157-165, ISBN 978-80-8084-458-5.
Review of the paper in the proceedings - Margaréta Domiterová: COMMUNICATION MODES IN SPECIFIC CARE OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. In Proceedings of the national conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation. Bratislava 2014, 172 s. CD, ISBN 978-80-89542-42-0
Review of the paper in the proceedings - Erika Jancová: PALliative care in social services facilities. In Proceedings of the national conference of nurses working in social services facilities with international participation. Bratislava 2014, 172 p. CD, ISBN 978-80-89542-42-0
Review of the paper in the proceedings - Vladimír Bezák: Social intervention in work with seniors. In. Miroslav Špánik, Sona Šrobárová. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2014. - ISBN 978-80-561-0123-0, p. 20-24.
Review of the paper in the proceedings - Ľudmila Húsková: Violence against women in intimate relationships and crisis intervention. In: Intervention, therapy and resocialization in the system of social assistance : proceedings of the international scientific e-conference / ed. Miroslav Špánik, Sona Šrobárová. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2014. - ISBN 978-80-561-0123-0, p. 35-39.
Review of paper in the proceedings - Andrzej Łuczyński: Social orphanhood as a state of threat to the optimal development and upbringing of the child. In: Intervention, therapy and resocialization in the system of social assistance : proceedings of the international scientific e-conference / ed. Miroslav Špánik, Sona Šrobárová. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2014. - ISBN 978-80-561-0123-0, p. 104-115.
Review of the paper in the proceedings - Katarína Vanková: Crisis intervention in the elderly. In: Intervention, therapy and resocialization in the system of social assistance : proceedings of the international scientific e-conference / ed. Miroslav Špánik, Sona Šrobárová. - Ružomberok : Verbum - publishing house of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2014. - ISBN 978-80-561-0123-0, p. 218-227.
Review of the paper in the proceedings - Eva Bandíková: POSSIBILITIES OF HOSPICE CARE FOR TERMINALLY ILL CHILDREN. In Proceedings of the XIIth National Conference of Nurses Working in Social Service Institutions with International Participation. Bratislava 2015, 248 s. CD, ISBN 978-80-89542-50-5
Review of the paper in the proceedings - Jana Hrčová: SNOEZELEN AS A MEANS OF IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN SOCIAL SERVICES FACILITIES. In Proceedings of the XIIth National Conference of Nurses Working in Social Services Facilities with International Participation. Bratislava 2015, 248 p. CD, ISBN 978-80-89542-50-5
Review of the paper in the proceedings - Jana Hrčová: SNOEZELEN AS A MEANS OF IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN SOCIAL SERVICES FACILITIES. In Proceedings of the XIIth National Conference of Nurses Working in Social Services Facilities with International Participation. Bratislava 2015, 248 p. CD, ISBN 978-80-89542-50-5
Review of the paper in the proceedings - Jana Hrčová: SNOEZELEN AS A MEANS OF IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN SOCIAL SERVICES FACILITIES. In Proceedings of the XIIth National Conference of Nurses Working in Social Services Facilities with International Participation. Bratislava 2015, 248 p. CD, ISBN 978-80-89542-50-5
Review of the paper in the proceedings - Alena Dziacka, Andrea Botíková: Cooperation of ADOS with institutions providing social services. In Proceedings of the XIIIth National Conference of Nurses Working in Social Service Institutions with International Participation. Bratislava 2016, 164 p. - ISBN 978-80-89542-61-1.
In Proceedings of the XIIIth All-Slovak conference of nurses working in social services institutions with international participation. Bratislava 2016, 164 p. - ISBN 978-80-89542-61-1.
Review of the paper in the proceedings - Helena Gondárová-Vyhničková, Andrea Bratová, Milan Laurinc, Monika Matejová: Transition from intensive treatment and care to palliative treatment and care. In Proceedings of the XIIIth National Conference of Nurses Working in Social Service Institutions with International Participation. Bratislava 2016, 164 p. - ISBN 978-80-89542-61-1.
Paper review - Katarína Kohútová, Angela Almašiová: Comparing attitudes of female and male university students towards refugees. In Disputationes Scientificae Universitatis Catholicae in Ružomberok, Ružomberok, vol. 16, No.4, 2017, pp.34-48, ISSN 1335-9185
Paper review - Mgr. Mgr. Romana Longauerová: Quality of life of people diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus type 1. In Social services in self-government. Ružomberok 2019. 164 p. ISBN 978-80-561-0687-7
- Assessment activity of rigorous theses: 14
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Oponentura RIGOROUS PAPER - Mgr. Janka Hrošovská: Juvenile delinquency in Žilina region. Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2010
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Opponentura RIGOROUS PAPER - Mgr. Miroslava Kočišková: Palliative care and its development in Slovakia. Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok, 2011
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Opponent of the RIGOROUS PAPER - Iva Burianová: The non-state non-profit sector as an actor in the employment of disadvantaged persons on the labour market. Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2011
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Opponentur RIGOROUS PAPER - Tereza Houšt'ovová: Benefits and risks of direct adoptions from the perspective of birth mothers and surrogate parents. Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2011
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Opposition of RIGOROUS PAPER - Miriam Priechodská: Unemployment of school graduates and approaches to their solution. Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2011
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Opposition of RIGOROUS PAPER - Margita Borová: Social specifics of the Orava region in the functioning of social institutions of marriage and family. Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2011
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Opponentur RIGOROUS PAPER - Soňa Dalaková: Care for the elderly through residential and field social work. Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2011
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Opponentura RIGOROUS PAPER - Anton Bobák: Community planning of social services in Žarnovica (process, creation and implementation of goals and measures). Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2014
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Opponentur RIGOROUS PAPER - Zuzana Poliaková: Quality of life of seniors in the social services facility Fénix. Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2016
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Opponentur RIGOROUS PAPER - Eva Zábojníková: Social counselling in working with clients in the field of social protection. Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2016
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Opposition of the RIGOROUS PAPER - Anna Jonášová: Ethical aspects of care for the terminally ill. Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2017
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Opposition of RIGOROUS PAPER - Patrik Kormanec: Community planning of social services in Liptovský Mikuláš. Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2017
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Opposition of the RIGOROUS PAPER - Katarína Šablatúrová: Social consequences of diabetes mellitus. Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2017
ŠTEFÁKOVÁ, L.: Opponent of the RIGOROUS PAPER - Viera Krištofíková: Support, assistance and counselling for families with a hearing-impaired child in early intervention. Ružomberok: Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok, 2018
- Membership in foreign and domestic editorial boards of scientific journals and proceedings: 7
Proceedings of the international professional conference The contribution of student professional practice in social work, nursing and midwifery. Ružomberok: PF 2009. 179 p. ISBN 978-80-8084-458-5.
Proceedings of the VIII national conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation, held on 16-17.9.2011 in Ružomberok. 2011. 267 p. ISBN 978-80-89542-08-6
Volunteering as a dimension of social service. Proceedings. Ružomberok: Verbum, 2012, 122 p. ISBN 78-80-8084-870-5
Current events, perspectives and development trends in social, educational and health work with marginalised groups. Collection of abstracts. Ružomberok: Verbum, 2012, 89 p. ISBN 978-80-8084-960-3.
Proceedings of the national conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation. Ružomberok 2013, 366 p. CD, ISBN 978-80-89542-30-7
Refereed proceedings of doctoral students' papers from the 5th International Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinary Approaches in Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work". Ružomberok 2013, 268 p. CD, ISBN 978-80-561-0075-2
"Interdisciplinary collaboration in nursing, midwifery and social work". Refereed proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference Ružomberok 2013, 151 s. CD, ISBN 978-80-561-0076-9
- Membership in the commissions for awarding scientific and scientific-pedagogical degrees:
- Membership in the committees for rigorosum proceedings: 81
6.12.2010 - member of the rigorosum commission for rigorosum proceedings Mgr. Anna Behunová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
6.12.2010 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Janka Briššáková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
6.12.2010 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Juraj Cvoliga, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
6.12.2010 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Marcela Václavková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
3.10.2011 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Mária Bobáková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
3.10.2011 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Oľga Okálová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
3.10.2011 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Helena Zverecova, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
14.11.2011 - member of the rigorosum committee for rigorosum proceedings Mgr. Sona Dalakova, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
14.11.2011 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Tereza Houšt'ova, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
14.11.2011 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Marta Mojžišová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
14.11.2011 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Michaela Šavrnochová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
14.11.2011 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Pavel Závodský, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
18.11.2011 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Anton Pavlásek, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
18.11.2011 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Anna Slámková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
18.11.2011 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Alena Weissová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
25.1.2012 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Sona Dalakova, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
25.1.2012 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Milan Gergel, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
25.1.2012 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Marta Mojžišová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
25.1.2012 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Marcela Rusnáková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
2.4.2012 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Katarína Krchová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
2.4.2012 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Miroslava Kočišková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
2.4.2012 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Adrián Jurík, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
2.4.2012 - member of the rigorosum committee for rigorosum proceedings Mgr. Katarína Krchová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
2.4.2012 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Jana Vavrova, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
11.6.2012 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Lucie Dlugošová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
11.6.2012 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Branislava Hojnošová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
11.6.2012 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Miroslava Kočišková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
11.6.2012 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Antónia Prôčková Hirjáková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
11.6.2012 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Katarína Tomová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
28.9.2012 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Branislava Hojnošová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
28.9.2012 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Janka Hrošovská, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
28.9.2012 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Iveta Ličková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
10.6.2013 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Monika Podkowinska, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
14.11.2014 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Emilia Šimčeková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
14.11.2014 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Katarína Puciová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
14.11.2014 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Marcela Kucianová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
14.11.2014 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Petra Černá, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
14.11.2014 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of PaedDr. Pavel Piatrov, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
21.11.2014 - member of the rigorosum committee for rigorosum proceedings Mgr. Anton Bobák, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
21.11.2014 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Miroslava Bodnárová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
21.11.2014 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Adriana Eštoková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
8.3.2016 - member of the rigorosum committee for rigorosum proceedings Mgr. Emílie Šimčeková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
8.3.2016 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Zuzana Poliakova, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
8.3.2016 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Oľga Kováčiková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok
8.3.2016 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Monika Havránková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
30.6.2016 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Lukáš Paraňa, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
30.6.2016 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Anna Podpleská, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
31.3.2017 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Dušan Mištík, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
31.3.2017 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Silvie Ščurková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
31.3.2017 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Róbert Timka, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
31.3.2017 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Anna Podpleská, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
31.3.2017 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Anna Jonášová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
31.3.2017 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Alena Pikova, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
31.3.2017 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Mgr. Lukáš Paraňa, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
26.5.2017 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Katarína Šablatúrová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
20.10.2017 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings of Mgr. Lukáš Paraňa, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
20.10.2017 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Mgr. Mária Novotná, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
20.10.2017 - member of the rigorosum committee for rigorosum proceedings Mgr. Stanislava Jonášová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
20.10.2017 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Patrik Kormanec, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok.
30.01.2018 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Jana Kropáčová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
30.01.2018 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Daniela Ščasná, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
30.01.2018 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Lukáš Paraňa, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
30.01.2018 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Ivana Lapšanská, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
12.12.2018 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Janka Lipničanová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
12.12.2018 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Zuzana Jurisová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
12.12.2018 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Andrea Šinálová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
12.12.2018 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Daniela Švorcová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
12.12.2018 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination of Mgr. Martin Gočala, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
12.12.2018 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings Mgr. Silvija Kupčuláková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
20.02.2019 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings in the field of study social work for Mgr. Petr Rázga, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
20.02.2019 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination in the field of study social work for Mgr. Mgr. Mária Cehulová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
20.02.2019 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination in the field of study social work for Mgr. Mgr. Mária Novotná, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
20.02.2019 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination in the field of study social work for Mgr. Ivana Lapšanská, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
20.02.2019 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination in the field of study social work for Mgr. Lukáš Paraňa, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
06.03.2019 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination in the field of study social work for Mgr. Erika Kušická, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
17.06.2019 - member of the rigorosum committee for rigorosum proceedings in the field of study social work for Mgr. Rudolf Jančuška, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Ružomberok.
17.06.2019 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination in the field of study social work for Mgr. Petr Rázga, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
17.06.2019 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination in the field of study social work for Mgr. Ivana Lapšanská, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
27.01.2020 - member of the rigorous examination committee for the rigorous examination in the field of study social work for Mgr. Rudolf Jančuška, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
27.01.2020 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings in the field of study social work for PaedDr. Darina Obušeková, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
29.06.2020 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings in the field of study social work for Mgr. Jolana Gočalová, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
18.02.2021 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings in the study field of social work for Mgr. Petr Rázga, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
18.02.2021 - member of the rigorosum committee for the rigorosum proceedings in the study field of social work for Mgr. Anna Masarikova, Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok.
- Membership in the examination committees for state examinations: 28
Member of the Examination Board for State Examinations in the Bachelor and Master study programme Social Work on 19 and 20 May 2008 in Ružomberok, 21-23 May 2008 in Dolný Kubín, 26 May 2008 in Ružomberok, Secretary of the Examination Board for State Examinations in the Bachelor and Master study programme Social Work on 27-30 May 2008.
Member of the Examination Board for State Examinations in the Bachelor and Master study programme Social Work on 25 and 26 August 2008 in Ružomberok.
Secretary of the examination board for state examinations in the master's study programme Social Work on 28-30 April 2009, 4 May 2009 in Ružomberok, Member of the examination board for state examinations in the bachelor's study programme Social Work on 5 May 2009 in Dolný Kubín and 7 May 2009, 11-12 May 2009 in Ružomberok.
Secretary of the examination board for state examinations in the Master's study programme Social Work on 24.8.2009 in Ružomberok, Member of the examination board for state examinations in the Bachelor's study programme Social Work on 25.8.2009 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the state final examinations in the Bachelor and Master's degree programme in Social Work 6.2.2012 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examination in Bachelor and Master of Social Work 27.8.2012 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examinations in Bachelor and Master of Social Work 20 - 23.5.2013 in Ružomberok.
Member of the examination board for the state final examinations in the bachelor's study field of social work 28.5.2013 in Dolný Kubín.
Member of the examination board for the state final examinations in the bachelor and master study field of social work 22.8.2013 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examinations in Bachelor and Master of Social Work 5.2.2014 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examinations in Bachelor and Master of Social Work 20 - 23.5.2014 in Ružomberok.
Member of the examination board for the state final examinations in the bachelor's study field of social work 5.2014 in Dolný Kubín.
Member of the examination board for the state final examinations in the bachelor and master study field of social work 27.8.2014 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examination in Bachelor and Master of Social Work 25.8.2014 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examinations in Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Social Work 18-20 May 2015 and 25-27 May 2015 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examinations in Bachelor and Master of Social Work on 25-26.8.2015 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examinations in Bachelor and Master of Social Work 16-17 May 2016 and 18-20 May 2016 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examinations in Bachelor and Master of Social Work 25 - 27.8.2016 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examinations in Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Social Work 22 - 23.5.2017 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examinations in the Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Social Work 23.8.2017 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examinations in the Bachelor's Degree in Social Work 24. 01. 2018 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examinations in Bachelor and Master of Social Work 21.-22.05.2018 in Ružomberok.
Member of the Examination Board for the State Final Examinations in Bachelor and Master of Social Work 21.05.2019 in Ružomberok.
Member of the examination board for the state final examinations in the Bachelor's and Master's study field of social work 22.08.2019 in Ružomberok.
Member of the examination board for the state final examinations in the bachelor's study field of social work 27.01.2020 in Ružomberok.
Member of the examination board for the state final examinations in the bachelor's study field of social work 01.07.2020 in Ružomberok.
Member of the examination board for the state final examinations in the Bachelor and Master study field of social work 07.06.2021 in Ružomberok.
Member of the examination board for the state final examinations in the Bachelor's and Master's study field of social work 23.08.2021 in Ružomberok.
- Membership in examination committees for state examinations:
Member of the examination commission for the completion of the continuing education programme - updating - preparatory attestation education for the first attestation for teaching staff, 28.1.2016 in Ružomberok.
- Membership in the examination commissions for ŠVOČ:
Member of the evaluation commission for the ŠVOČ in the study field of social work 24.04.2017 in Ružomberok.
Member of the evaluation committee for the Slovak School of Social Work 11.04.2019 in Ružomberok.
- Membership in committees:
Member of the commission for motivational interviews for the admission procedure in the field of social work 30.4.2015 in Ružomberok.
Member of the commission for motivational interviews for the admission procedure in the field of social work 07.05.2019 in Ružomberok.
Member of the examination committee for differential examinations in the field of study social work 08.06.2021 in Ružomberok.
- Membership in organizing committees of scientific conferences: 27
Member of the organizing committee 2. Organizing Committee of the International Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work". Ružomberok, 16.2.2010
Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific Conference "Innovation, Planning and Quality of Social Services in the Community". Ružomberok, 5.5.2011
Member of the organizing committee of the conference "Volunteering as a dimension of social service". Ružomberok, 27.10.2011
Member of the organizing committee 3. International scientific conference "Interdisciplinary cooperation in nursing, midwifery and social work". Ružomberok, 9.12.2011
Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific Congress: European and World Contexts of Poverty in the Period of Social and Demographic Transformations of Society. Ružomberok, 3-4.9.2012
Member of the organizing committee of the international scientific conference InteRRA 18: "Current events, perspectives and development trends in social, educational and health work with marginalized groups", Ružomberok, 29-30.11.2012
Member of the Organizing Committee 4. International Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work". Ružomberok, 12.6.2012
Member of the organizing committee of the interdisciplinary scientific symposium "Christian message for peace in the world". Ružomberok, 11.4.2013
Member of the organizing committee of the 10th national conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation "Quality of services provided in social service institutions from the perspective of a nurse". Ružomberok, 28.-29.6.2013
Member of the organizing committee of the international scientific conference "Wybrane aspekty opieki nad osobami starszymi z perspektywy opieki zdrowotnej i pracy socjalnej". Krakow, 6.9.2013
Member of the organizing committee of the conference "Lifelong Learning Strategies in the European Educational Area". Ružomberok, 8.11.2013
Member of the Organizing Committee 5. International Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work". Ružomberok, 28.11.2013
Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific E-conference "Intervention, Therapy and Resocialization in the Social Assistance System". Ružomberok, 2-4.4.2014
Member of the organizing committee of the national conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation "Decubitus ulcers and their impact on the quality of life of PSS, the specifics of care in specialized ZSS". Ruzomberok, 27-28 June 2014
Member of the Organizing Committee 6. International scientific conference "Interdisciplinary cooperation in nursing, midwifery and social work". Ružomberok, 4.12.2014
Member of the organizing committee of the 3rd Conference of Doctoral Students of the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University in Ružomberok "Creation and communication of science and knowledge of young researchers in the social, educational, health and socio-ecological field". Ruzomberok, 20. 04. 2015
Member of the organizing committee of the national conference of nurses working in social services with international participation "Nurse in the process of legislative changes in social services". Ružomberok, 4-5. 09. 2015
Member of the organizing committee of the national conference of nurses working in social services with international participation "Multidisciplinary cooperation in social services". Ružomberok, 2.-3. 09. 2016
Member of the organizing committee 8. International scientific conference "Interdisciplinary cooperation in nursing, midwifery and social work". Ružomberok, 14.9.2016
Member of the Organizing Committee of the Congress of the Chamber of SPaASP. Ružomberok, 6.10.2016
Member of the organizing committee of the national congress "Attributes of social work in the new millennium". Ruzomberok, 7 October 2016
Member of the organizing committee of the school round of the Student Scientific Professional Activity in the field of study Social Work. Ružomberok, 24.04.2017
Member of the organizing committee of the national round of the Student Scientific Professional Activity in Social Work. Ružomberok, 03.05.2017
Member of the organizing committee of the XIVth national conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation "Nursing care in the community focused on risk management. Community social work". Ružomberok, 30.6.-1.7.2017
Member of the Organizing Committee 9. International scientific conference "Interdisciplinary cooperation in nursing, midwifery and social work". Ružomberok, 26.04.2018
Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific Conference "Drug Addictions and their Prevention in the Community". Ruzomberok, 06.06.2018
Member of the organizing committee of the XVth national conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation "Dilemmas of nursing care in social service institutions. Long-term care." Ružomberok, 06.09.-07.09.2019
- Other activities:
Liaison between the University and the Ministry of Social Work and Social Security within the Memorandum of Cooperation, the purpose of which is to provide assistance and support to the clients of the facilities through the students of the accredited field of study Social Work on a voluntary basis.
Methodist of professional practice in the study field of social work at the Department of Social Work of the Faculty of Social Work of the KU in RK.
Member of the Slovak Chamber of Social Workers and Social Work Assistants.
- Membership in scientific committees of conferences: 13
Member of the scientific committee at the Xth national conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation "Quality of services provided in social service institutions from the nurse's point of view". Ružomberok, 28.-29.6.2013
Member of the scientific committee of the international scientific conference "Wybrane aspekty opieki nad osobami starszymi z perspektywy opieki zdrowotnej i pracy socjalnej". Krakow, 6.9.2013
Member of the scientific committee of the conference "Strategies of lifelong learning in the European educational space". Ružomberok, 8.11.2013
Member of the Scientific Committee 5. International Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work". Ružomberok, 28.11.2013
Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Scientific E-conference "Intervention, Therapy and Resocialization in the Social Assistance System". Ružomberok, 2-4.4.2014
Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Scientific Conference "The Individual with a Disability in the Context of Social Work and Special Education". Ružomberok, 8.11.2013
Member of the scientific committee of the XIth national conference of nurses working in social service institutions with international participation "Decubitus and its impact on the quality of life of PSS, specifics of care in specialized ZSS". Ruzomberok, 27-28 June 2014
Member of the scientific committee of the XIIth national conference of nurses working in social services facilities with international participation "Nurse in the process of legislative changes in social services". Ružomberok, 4-5. 09. 2015
Member of the Scientific Committee of the XIIIth National Conference of Nurses Working in Social Services Facilities with International Participation "Multidisciplinary Cooperation in Social Services". Ružomberok, 2.-3. 09. 2016
Member of the scientific committee of the XIVth national conference of nurses working in social services with international participation "Nursing care in the community focused on risk management. Community social work". Ružomberok, 30.6.-1.7.2017.
Member of the Scientific Committee 8. International Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work". Ružomberok, 26.04.2018
Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Scientific Conference "Drug Addictions and their Prevention in the Community". Ruzomberok, 06.06.2018
Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Scientific Conference "Social Services in Self-Government". Ruzomberok, 26.10.2018
Invited lectures at international conferences: 3
Invited lecture: the need for self-fulfilment and meaningful use of leisure time. International scientific conference "Wybrane aspekty opieki nad osobami starszymi z perspektywy opieki zdrowotnej i pracy socjalnej". Krakow, 6.9.2013
Invited lecture: Working with information supporting the resocialization process. International scientific conference "Social readaptation in the light of legal and psychological conditions". Krynica-Zdrój, 17.-19.10.2018
Invited lecture: Application of elements of sociotherapy in the process of social reintegration. International scientific conference "Social reintegration in the face of penitentiary and environmental constraints". Krynica-Zdrój, 11.-13.12.2019
Invited lectures at domestic conferences: 1
International scientific conference "Interdisciplinary cooperation in the implementation of non-pharmacological treatment of the elderly". Invited lecture on "Environmental therapy as one of the options of non-pharmacological methods of treatment in the elderly", Ružomberok, 05.12.2019. Ruzomberok, 05.12.2019.
14 scientific lectures at foreign conferences
Social worker in palliative care. Czech-Slovak conference of doctoral students in the field of helping professions. Ostrava, 29.10.2008.
Students with special educational needs *at the Catholic University in Ružomberok. Annual International Conference "Higher education without barriers". TU Liberec, 17.9.2009, and 13th International Conference "HANDICAP 2009". TU Liberec, 18.9.2009
Lecture: Subjective satisfaction with life in terminally ill patients in home care. Czech-Slovak Conference of Doctoral Students of Helping Professions. Ostrava, 3.2.2010
Lecture. Scientific conference "Medycyna i człowiek". Cracow, 9.11.2011
Lecture: Social worker in the neurological ward. Scientific conference "Wieloaspektowość starości". Krakow, 3.3.2012
Lecture: Family with an oncologically ill member in the process of accompaniment. XXI. International Conference "Wartości w rodzinie i społeczeństwie". Kielce, 15.5.2013
Lecture: Adaptation process of seniors to the environment of a social services home. International interdisciplinary conference "Ecosystem in social assistance". Krakow, 3.6.2013
Lecture. International Scientific Conference X. Professionalism, perspectives and development of social work". Hradec Králové, 27.9.-28.9.2013
Lecture. International Masaryk Conference for Doctoral Students and Young Scientists 2013. 9.-13.12.2013
Lecture at II. International Scientific Conference "Milosierni slowem i czynem". 13.10.2015
International scientific conference "Socjalny wymiar pomocy postpenitencjarnej. Działania pomocowe wobec recydywistów". Krakow, Poland, 12.-13.3.2018. Lecture on "Cooperation of organizations in post-penitentiary care in the Slovak Republic". Krakow, 2018.
International Scientific Conference "6th International Conference on Research in Behavioral and Social Sciences. London, UK, 26-28.07.2019. Presentation on "Life Meaningfulness as a Predictor of the Burnout Syndrome". London, 2019
International scientific conference "Innovations in Science and Education". "Innovations in Science and Innovation in Education and Innovation in Science and Technology", Prague, CZ, 18.-20.3.2020. Lecture on "The Existence of Gender Stereotypes in a Professional Social Worker's Approach". Prague, 2020
International Scientific Conference "Innovations in Science and Education". "Innovations in Science and Innovation in Education and Research", Prague, CZ, 18.-20.3.2020. "Life Meaningfulness as A Protective Factor of the Burn-Out Syndrome". Prague, 2020