Other programs

    Other programs

    Jean Monnet

    Jean Monnet Activities are designed to promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. The activities also foster the dialogue between the academic world and policy-makers, in particular with the aim of enhancing governance of EU policies.

    Department of Political Science at Faculty of Arts and Letters, Catholic University in Ružomberok, has successfully submitted an application to the Erasmus+ Programme, 2017 call for the Jean Monnet teaching and research activities i.e. Modules, Chairs and Centres of Excellence. Proposal title is: The Ukrainian Crisis: Challenge for European integration.



    The CEEPUS Programme (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) is a multilateral international programme supporting the cooperation between higher education institutions from member countries through academic networks. CEEPUS offers mobilities for BA/MA students, PhD students and teachers of higher education institutions from member countries. All fields of study are welcome and there are no priority areas.

    Approved networks for the Catholic University in Ružomberok:

    HU 28: Faculty of Education

              Coordinator: doc. PhDr. Markéta Rusnáková, PhD., marketa.rusnakova@ku.sk

    AT 502:  Faculty of Theology

    PL 702:  Faculty of Theology

             Coordinator: ThLic. Martin Taraj, PhD., martin.taraj@ku.sk


    National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic - NSP

    The Government of the Slovak Republic approved the establishment of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic in 2005. The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic supports study/research/teaching/artistic mobility of international students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists at higher education institutions and research organisations. It supports two-way mobility - international scholarship holders to Slovakia, as well as Slovak scholarship holders abroad. The NSP is funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

    The programme offers scholarships to cover living costs during the stay and travel allowances (all categories in case of scholarship holders from Slovakia; students and PhD students in case of international scholarship holders).

    Guidelines for Requesting an Acceptance Letter from KU for NSP Applicants

    • Prepare Required Documents: Make sure you have all necessary documents ready, including your study/research proposal, proof of funding or scholarship, and identification (passport/ID).
    • Contact the Euraxess Centre: Email the Euraxess Centre at izabela.novakova@ku.sk. Clearly state your request for an acceptance letter, and include:  Your full name and contact details, the program you are applying for, dates of your planned stay, reason for requiring the acceptance letter.
      Attach Supporting Documents: Attach relevant documents  to your email to expedite processing.
    • Follow-Up: Allow at least two weeks for processing. If you haven’t received a response, politely follow up via email again.
    • Submit the Letter to NSP: Once received, attach the acceptance letter to your NSP application as required.

    Useful links for those who would like to apply for the NSP

    Contact person: