Application procedure
Every year the deadlines for submitting Erasmus nominations (from your home University) to study at the Catholic University in Ruzomberok are:
:: 15th May for Winter Semester
:: 15th November for Summer Semester
Please, note that we do not accept applications received after these dates:
:: 30th May for Winter Semester
:: 30th November for Summer Semester
1. Documents required to be submitted in order to become an Erasmus+ Student at the Catholic University in Ružomberok:
- Application Form for students - typed, printed and signed by your Erasmus coordinator (handwritten forms will be not accepted)
- Online Learning agreement (OLA)
- a photocopy of passport or ID card
- a photocopy of European Health Insurance Card
- 1 electronic photograph (on the Application form)
- Students of Health care are obliged to submit: a confirmation about being vaccinated
2. Documents required to be submitted in order to become an Erasmus+ Trainee at the Catholic University in Ružomberok:
- Application Form for trainees - typed, printed and signed by your Erasmus coordinator (handwritten forms will be not accepted)
- Learning agreement for traineeships
- a photocopy of passport or ID card
- a photocopy of European Health Insurance Card
- 1 electronic photograph (on the Application form)
- Students of Health care are obliged to submit: a confirmation about being vaccinated
Important notice!
- You must send a complete set of application documents to be accepted.
Please bear in mind that you should send all the required application documents (PDF version, not photos done by mobile phone!) by e-mail to:
Health insurance
The Catholic University in Ružomberok will provide assistance in obtaining insurance for incoming participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact person: Mgr. Lucia Kravčáková, e-mail:, mobile: +421 918 337 433.
There is no health insurance coverage provided for students by either the clinical facilities or the Catholic University in Ružomberok. Students are expected to be personally responsible for treatment needed due to accidental injury or health risks. Students are strongly advised to purchase personal health insurance.
The Catholic University in Ružomberok will provide assistance, when required, in securing visas for incoming participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact person: Mgr. Lucia Kravčáková, e-mail: lucia.kravcakova[zavinac], mobile: +421 918 337 433.
Students with special needs
The Catholic University in Ružomberok has infrastructures to host students with special needs (accommodation, classroom access, etc.), depending on the nature of the disability, the city infrastructures may not be adequate. We would advise to provide as much information ahead of time in order for our International Office Staff to inform the student of the feasibility of the mobility. More details:
Please, note that the beginning of Summer Semester 2024/2025
for Incoming Erasmus Students
is planned
from 13. 2. 2024 (Thursday) till 14.2.2024 (Friday)
- 2 working days before the official beginning of Teaching period of Summer Semester. This day is Preparatory Day during which all the important information for Incoming Erasmus Students will be provided. That is why it is highly recommended to take part in it.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Ružomberok.