Course of Slovak language for International Students

    Led by a qualified lector every semester a special course of Slovak language for students coming from abroad is organized at the Catholic University in Ružomberok.
    The dotation for this course is 2 hours per week. That makes cca 20-25 hours altogether for the whole semester.
    Students can enroll themselves for it at the beginning of each academic year or particular semester. Two ECTS credits are given for this course. One of the conditions to obtain them is that students must follow the course from its beginning till its end.


    Discover Slovakia (Course for International Students)

    The course provides an introduction to the Slovak nature, history and culture covering some of the most important topics, periods and characters from the Slovak nature, history and culture. The course consists mainly of lectures focusing on various aspects such as Slovak language, history, natural specifics, visual arts, literature, media, interesting figures etc. but there will be also field trips to natural and historical sights and a gallery visit. Two ECTS credits are given for this course.


    Subjects offered in Foreign Languages 2024/2025:

    Faculty of Arts and Letters

    Faculty of Education

    Faculty of Health

    Faculty of Theology (situated in Košice)


    Subjects offered in Foreign Languages 2023/2024:

    Faculty of Arts and Letters

    Faculty of Education

    Faculty of Health

    Faculty of Theology (situated in Košice)



    Grading system of the institution



    Slovakian Grade



    A 1 EXCELLENT outstanding performance with only minor errors
    B 1,5 VERY GOOD above the average standard but with some errors
    C 2 GOOD generally good work with a number of notable errors
    D 2,5 SATISFACTORY fair but with significant shortcomings
    E 3 SUFFICIENT performance meets the minimum criteria
    FX 4 FAIL considerable further work is required