The Catholic University in Ružomberok as Universitas magistrorum et scholarium in the sense of its mission pursues research, teaching and education of students who are with the teachers freely connected in the same affection to the science. The Church searches for the secrets of man and the world, and penetrates them by the light of donated revelation by means of its catholic universities and by means of their humanistic and scientific heritage. The honor and responsibility of the catholic university is to devote itself to the matter of truth without reservation. This is its own form how to serve the dignity of the man and,at the same time, the mission of the Church. Moreover, the Catholic university characterizes itself through the free search for the whole truth about the world, man, and God.
Scientific activity of the Catholic University in Ružomberok document realised Scientific Project and Grants, Publishing Activities, but also the Awards for University Staff.
The Accreditation Commission qualified the competency of the Catholic University in Ružomberok to conduct habilitation procedure and procedure for nomination of „professors“ and the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic granted to CU the right to conduct habilitation procedure and procedure for nomination of "professors" in the fields of study for accreditation of which the higher education institution has applied.
The University values the international well-known personalities whose scientific profiles and merits for development and propagation of Christian ideals are of international importance and reminiscence. These are the reputable personalities who in a broad sense have merit in the development of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, its faculties and members, as for development of the Catholic education in Slovakia, accepted scientific celebrities from abroad as well, whose activity results have a broad international contribution and reaction by granting the honored title Doctor honoris causa of CU and another awards: Great Medal of CU, Little Medal of CU and Medal for Merits in Establishment of CU.