FINAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL PROJECT - Active Seniors Educations withouth Barriers

The international project „Active Seniors Educations without Barriers“ has fill up and ends this calendar year. It was marked by the coronavirus pandemic, which caused it to be extended by six months, but despite this we can state that it was successful and fulfilled all its goals and activities. The main investigators of the project – representatives of the University of Ostrava in cooperation with the Senior University of Ferreira do Zezere in Portugal (Universidade Senior de Ferreira do Zezere) organized on May 16-17, 2023, a final working meeting of all managers and selected experts of the parties involved at which together evaluated the progress and fulfillment of the project. Among the most important outputs of the project were the compilation of a methodology for working with senior choirs, the publication of an international hymnbook, the creation of online courses on the cultural heritage of all three countries and the culminating point in September 2022 was a weekly blended mobility with a final concert performance in Hradec Králové.
The final project meeting for the Catholic University in Ružomberok was attended by ass. professor Helena Kadučáková and Dr. Marcela Ižová for the management part, the professional section was represented by ass. professor Janka Bednáriková and ass. professor Zuzana Zahradníková. At the beginning of the meeting, the chief manager of the project, Dr. Zdenka Telnárová, has analyzed the achievement of the set goals of the project. Project manager for Portugal, Dr. Vera Ribeiro prepared an overview of the activities and sustainability of the project within the association Associacao de Melhoramentos e Bem Estar Social de Pia (AMBESP). Project manager for Slovakia, ass. professor H. Kadučáková, in her presentation reported project´s results, which were published in professional journals, popularizing periodicals and presented at conferences. She also dealed with strong and weak points of the project. Among the strengths, she particularly highlighted qualified teachers in the field of music with many years of experience. Under their guidance, seniors widen their knowledge and skills in the field of music, increased social cohesion and communication skills in an informed and knowledge-based society, established new social contacts and increased self-confidence in the learning process. She also highlighted the positive social atmosphere that contributed to the creation of a stable team. Among the weak points, warnings connected to Covid-19 pandemic and difficulty with international preparation, the lack of physical strength among seniors to actively continue the project were mentioned. The materials developed during the implementation of the project are prepared together with professional recommendations for University of the third age, associations for seniors and social service homes. The project manager for Portugal, Mrs. Dulce Mota presented assessing report of the project. At the end of the meeting, Mrs. Pavla Janoschova addressed the financial issues of the project.
During the meeting there was a unique opportunity to visit Coimbru - the town which is a cradle of education and where are many historical and cultural monuments. During a walk through a university campus, the Biblioteca Joanina with more than 250 000 historical books was visited.
The presented project is a confirmation that the best investment is that one in education, which is also important part when seniors are inclused into a society. Considering the initial situation of the target group, it is evident that seniors are among the most endangered population group, suffering from a high degree of deprivation and social exclusion and consequently a strong dependence on state support. It is therefore necessary to focus on a comprehensive solution to the educational situation of seniors with the help of similar projects.