Mgr. Ján Golian, PhD.

Where to find me
Hrabovská cesta 1A
034 01, Ružomberok
Office: F 309
+421 908 552 101
Consulting hours
Wednesday | 14:00 - 15:30 |
Professional characteristics
Born 1986, married, 3 children
2005 – 2010 Bachelor and Master Study, Field of study History; Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Arts
2010 – 2014 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Field of study: History; Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Arts
2013 – The EHPS-Net International Summer School on Historical Demography - Introductory course. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania
Work experience
2014 – 2016 Special Editor; Slovak National Library
2016 – 2019 Archivst / Historian; Diocese of Banská Bystrica
2019 – present Professor assistant; Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Arts, Department of History
2022/2023 CEEPUS; Jagielonian University, Cracow (PL)
2022/2023 Erasmus+ Program; Pontifical University of John Paul II, Cracow (PL)
2021/2022 Visegrad Fund Scholarship No. 52110607/2021; Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (PL)
2020/2021 Visegrad Fund Scholarship No. 52010796/2020; Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (PL)
2011 – 2012 Research Stay, Center for Economic and Social History; University of Ostrava (CZ)
2011 Research Stay, Scholarship of Slovak Honorary Consul in Poland; Uniwersity of Wroclaw (PL)
2008 – 2009 Erasmus Program; Jagielonian University (PL)
Member of the Academic Senate of the Catholic University in Ružomberok
Member of the Committee of the Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Member of the Slovak-Polish Commission of Historians of the Slovak National Committee of Historians
Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Kultúrne dejiny (Cultural history) indexed in the Scopus database
Member of Internation Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
2021-2024 – project manager Epidemics and anti-epidemiological measures on the territory of Slovakia in the long 19th century, VEGA 1/0397/21
2020-2021 – deputy project manager Karol Anton Medvecký – priest and politician, VEGA 1/0677/19
2017-2018 – External co-researcher Continuities and discontinuities of political and social elites in Slovakia in the 19th and 20th centuries, APVV-14-0644
My research focuses on Slovak history of the 19th century, social history, family history and cultural-anthropological phenomena.
I am the author and co-author of nine monographs, approximately 60 scientific studies and monograph chapters and more than 60 shorter publications.
I record more than 90 citations from domestic and foreign authors on my work, of which about 25 are in indexed databases.
See available full texts:
WOS Researcher ID: AAX-3683-2020
SCOPUS Author ID: 57221208501
Co-founder of the scientific popularization project Society for Human Studies (