Číslo projektu: | KEGA 011KU-4/2023 | Doba riešenia projektu: | 1. Okt 2023 - 30. Jún 2025 |
Projekt sa zameriava na analýzu najvýznamnejších slov v Tanachu, ktoré interpretuje v zornom uhle etickej argumentácie.
- SAINT JOHN´S UNIVERSITY , Visiting Research Fellowship (November 2013-February 2014)
- UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, Visiting Research Fellowship (July 29 – August 29, 2013)
- École biblique et archéologique and Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Jerusalem, ISRAEL, Visiting Research Fellowship (September 1 - 30, 2012)
- UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, Visiting Research Fellowship (May 2 – June 3, 2012)
- UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, Visiting Research Fellowship (June 1-30, 2011)
- UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Visiting Research Fellowship (August-October 2009)
- ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI, Intensive monthly summer course of the Modern Greek, (June 5-31, 2009)
- Attestation de stage. Français langue étrangère, Strasbourg, France (June 30 – Septembre 4, 2003)
- Biblical and Archaeological Excursion to Egypt. (February 4-17, 2002)
- Zeugnis. Universität Wien, Wiener Internationale Hochschulkurse, Wien, Austria (August, 4-31, 2002)
- Attestato. Centro studi italiani, Urbania, Italy (July 2 – August 25, 2000)
- Theological Institute aggregated to the the Faculty of Theology, Pontificia Universitá Lateranense, Riga, Latvia (April 2014)
- Palacky University, Czech Republic (March, 2013)
- University of Ljubljana</ strong>, Slovenia (March 2012)
- Theological Institute aggregated to the the Faculty of Theology, Pontificia Universitá Lateranense, Riga, Latvia (April 2011; October 2011, March 2013)
- University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic (March 2010)
- Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (March 2009)
- Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium (January/February 2008)
- member of the Society of Biblical Literature (
- member of the Catholic Biblical Association of America (
- member of Journal STUDIA BIBLICA SLOVACA (
- member of the Catholic Biblical Association in Slovak Republic (
- member of the European Society of Catholic Theology (
- member of the Committe for the Revision of the Slovak Ecumenical Translation of the Bible (
- member of the Academic Board of the The Catholic University in Ruzomberok
- member of the Editorial board of the new series of the New Testament Commentaries.
Regularly invited to teach graduate courses on the New Testament to Latvia at the Riga Theological Institute affiliated to the Lateran University, Rome.
Once a month participating in the radio broadcast program dedicated to the Bible. Radio Lumen - The Slovak Christian Radio offers on the last Tuesday of month at 8:30pm (CET) Bible teaching program, through which listeners can learn something new from biblical area.
Participating in the television series "God´s Word according to Mathew" dedicated to the Gospel of Matthew prepared by Televízia Lux - the Slovak Catholic Television. Now taking part in a new tv series dedicated to the Gospel of John.