Autor/Kolektív: | prof. Dr. Iurii Shcherbiak, DrSc., prof. ThDr. PhDr. Amantius Akimjak, PhD. |
Vydavateľstvo: | |
Rok vydania: | 2023 |
ISBN: | ISBN 978 – 80 – 561 – 1009 – 6 |
Výstupy :
Dyvak, A. Kovbasistyi, A. Melnyk, I. Shcherbiak and O. Huhul, "Recognition of Relevance of Web Resource Content Based on Analysis of Semantic Components," 2019 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 2019, pp. 297-302, doi: 10.1109/ACITT.2019.8779897.
Shcherbiak, I. Kuzma, O. Bilyakovska, K. Binytska, O. Halian and O. Yankovych, "Modern Information Technologies for Teaching and Control of Knowledge Acquisition of Older Preschoolers and Primary School Students," 2022 12th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Ruzomberok, Slovakia, 2022, pp. 559-563, doi: 10.1109/ACIT54803.2022.9912744.
Melnyk, I. Shcherbiak, R. Shevchuk, A. Shevchuk, O. Huhul and Y. Franko, "Software Architecture for Mathematical Modelling Based on Interval and Ontology Approach," 2022 12th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Ruzomberok, Slovakia, 2022, pp. 101-105, doi: 10.1109/ACIT54803.2022.9913108.
Susla, R. Pasichnyk, N. Pasichnyk, A. Melnyk, I. Shcherbiak and A. Akimjak, "Principles of Building a Mathematical Model for the Influence of Mineral Fertilizers on Grain Yield," 2019 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 2019, pp. 145-148, doi: 10.1109/ACITT.2019.8780093.
Kostenko, K. Binytska, I. Shcherbiak, J. Beseda, W. Duczmal and O. Patriak, "The Model of Formation of Intercultural Competence of Future IT Specialists," 2023 13th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Wrocław, Poland, 2023, pp. 640-645, doi: 10.1109/ACIT58437.2023.10275692.
Sheketa, I. Shcherbiak, V. Pikh, Y. Romanyshyn, M. Chesanovskyy and M. Kopnický, "Formal Outlines of Case-Based Modelling of Data and Knowledge Sources for Drilling Control," 2020 10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Deggendorf, Germany, 2020, pp. 231-234, doi: 10.1109/ACIT49673.2020.9208941.
Shcherbiak, O. Nahorna, D. Kostenko, O. Binytska, T. Kochubei and R. Gakh, "Information Competence Formation of Future Social Workers using Digital Technologies," 2023 13th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Wrocław, Poland, 2023, pp. 635-639, doi: 10.1109/ACIT58437.2023.10275552.
Melnyk, O. Huhul, R. Shevchuk, I. Shcherbiak, Y. Martsenyuk and A. Kovbasistyi, "Intelligent System of Analyzing the Structure of Web-resources," 2021 11th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Deggendorf, Germany, 2021, pp. 560-563, doi: 10.1109/ACIT52158.2021.9548432.
Melnyk, R. Shevchuk, M. Mudrak, O. Huhul, Y. Martsenyuk and I. Shcherbiak, "The Method of Identifying Irrelevant Information in Service-Oriented Corporate Systems," 2023 13th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Wrocław, Poland, 2023, pp. 539-542, doi: 10.1109/ACIT58437.2023.10275454.
Susla, R. Pasichnyk, N. Pasichnyk, A. Melnyk, I. Shcherbiak and A. Akimjak, "Principles of Building a Mathematical Model for the Influence of Mineral Fertilizers on Grain Yield," 2019 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 2019, pp. 145-148, doi: 10.1109/ACITT.2019.8780093.
Dyvak, A. Kovbasistyi, A. Melnyk, I. Shcherbiak and O. Huhul, "Recognition of Relevance of Web Resource Content Based on Analysis of Semantic Components," 2019 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 2019, pp. 297-302, doi: 10.1109/ACITT.2019.8779897.
Sheketa, I. Shcherbiak, V. Pikh, Y. Romanyshyn, M. Chesanovskyy and M. Kopnický, "Formal Outlines of Case-Based Modelling of Data and Knowledge Sources for Drilling Control," 2020 10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Deggendorf, Germany, 2020, pp. 231-234, doi: 10.1109/ACIT49673.2020.9208941.
Martín, José García et al. 2022. The singular approach to the concept of truth in Kierkegaard´s pseudonymus work post scriptum. In Acta Missiologica 16/2, 66-7.
Černek Martin, Jusko Peter, Ščerbiak Jurij, Sliwa Sławomir “Distance learning at universities in Central and Eastern Europe during the Covid-19 pandemic: a pilot comparative study”, Bratislava : Inštitút misijnej práce a tropického zdravotníctva Jána Pavla II. v Bratislave, 2023. - ISSN 1337-7515. - ISSN 2453-7160. -- Vol. 17, no. 1 (2023), pp. 166-182
Najvýznamnejšie výstupy tvorivej činnosti
Shcherbiak, I., Kowal, O., Yaschenko, Y. Monitoring the quality of education in higher education: problems and prospects. (Monitorovanie kvality vzdelávania vo vysokoškolskom vzdelávaní: Problémy a perspektívy). Kolektívna monografia / podľa dr hab. prof. J. Shcherbyaka. – Tarnopol : TNEU, 2016. 320 s. УДК 378.635.5.113. (075.8) ББК ББК 74.484.4.
SHCHERBIAK, I. Prophylaxis of risk behavior of young people in Ukraine. (Profylaxia rizikového správania mladých ľudí na Ukrajine). Monografia. Berdiansk. 2015. s. 240-249. ISBN 978-617-7291-04-5.
SHCHERBIAK, I. Pedagogy of higher education. (Pedagogika vysokoškolského vzdelávania). Tarnopol : TNEU, 2014. 304 s. ISBN 978-966-654-342-7.
SHCHERBIAK, I. Monitoring the effectiveness of the quality of education as a prerequisite for optimal administrative decision making. (Monitorovanie efektívnosti kvality vzdelávania ako predpoklad optimálneho administratívneho rozhodovania). Kultúra psychologickej osobnosti : administratívna činnosť / editoval prof. A. Wychruszcza – Tarnopol : Krok, 2011. s. 206 - 218. ISBN 978-966-2362-90-9.
SHCHERBIAK, I. The moral education of students in the schools of Western Ukraine (1900 -1939 y.).(Systém morálneho vzdelávania žiakov v školách západnej Ukrajiny) (1900 -1939 r.). Tarnopol : Paradis, 1999. 205 s. ISBN 5-9425-0052-6.
Najvýznamnejšie výstupy tvorivej činnosti za ostatných šesť rokov
SHCHERBIA I. k, V. Sheketa, V. Pikh, Y. Romanyshyn, M. Chesanovskyy and M. Kopnický, Formal Outlines of Case-Based Modelling of Data and Knowledge Sources for Drilling Control, 2020 10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Deggendorf, Germany, 2020, pp. 231-234, doi: 10.1109/ACIT49673.2020.9208941. ISBN: 978-1-7281-6760-2.
SHCHERBIA I., Roman Pasichnyk, Andriy Melnyk, , Amantius Akimjak and other / Recognition of Relevance of Web Resource Content Based on Analysis of Semantic Components / Proceedings of the International Conference Advanced Computer Information Technologies. ACIT ’2019. – Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 2019 . – P.297–301. ISBN: 978-1-7281-0449-2
SHCHERBIAK, I. Features of educational work with children with special needs in conditions of inclusive educational space. In: Aktualne kierunki w badaniach, edukacji i praktyce nauk społecznych II. Katowice : UKiP J&D Gębka, 2017, s. 97-112, ISBN 978-83-65547-11-8.
SHCHERBIAK, I. The main components of the formation of the inclusive competence of the teacher. In: Aktualne kierunki w badaniach, edukacji i praktyce nauk społecznych II. Katowice : UKiP J&D Gębka, 2017, s. 85-96, ISBN 978-83-65547-11-8.
SHCHERBIAK, I. (2016) Inclusive education in a general educational institution : theoretical and methodical aspects. In: Current tendencies in the process of education and training in the Slavic nations : Современные направления в процессе образования и воспитания в славянских странах. Moscow - Russia : Academy of Professional Development and Re-Training of Educators, 2016, s. 157-174, ISBN 978-5-8429-1246-9.
Najvýznamnejšie ohlasy na výstupy tvorivej činnosti
SHCHERBIAK, I. Monitoring of the quality of educational activity in the system of higher economic education: problems and perspectives: collective monograph / Yu.A. Shcherbyak, O.E. Koval, Ye.M. Yaschenko, for Yu.A. Shcherbiaka - Ternopil: TNEU, 2016. - 320 p. УДК 378.635.5.113. (075.8) ББК ББК 74.484.4.
(3) STETSYUK, K.V. Methods of forming the ecological culture of future specialists / K.V. Stetsyuk. // Scientific Bulletin of the Donbas. - 2016. - No. 2. - P. 27. УДК 378.147:63+504..
SHCHERBIAK, I. Monitoring of the quality of educational activity in the system of higher economic education: problems and perspectives: collective monograph / Yu.A. Shcherbyak, O.E. Koval, Ye.M. Yaschenko, for Yu.A. Shcherbiaka - Ternopil: TNEU, 2016. - 320 p. УДК 378.635.5.113. (075.8) ББК ББК 74.484.4.
(3) STETSYUK, K.V. Methods of forming the ecological culture of future specialists / K.V. Stetsyuk. // Scientific Bulletin of the Donbas. - 2016. - No. 2. - P. 27. УДК 378.147:63+504..
SHCHERBIAK, I. Features of the adaptation of foreign students to study in Ukraine (on an example of TNEU) // Collection of scientific works. Pedagogical almanac Issue 25. - Kherson. - 2015. - P. 136-144. УДК 37.013 ББК 74я43.
(3) YERMOLENKO, O. A. Peculiarities of the organization of teaching foreign students in higher educational institutions of Ukraine / O. A. Yermolenko // Teaching of economic disciplines in the conditions of globalization and European integration of Ukraine: Sob. materials international scientist Conf., June 02 2017: theses of additional. - X.: KhNADU, 2017. - S. 88-89. УДК 371.214.46 + 339.9
SHCHERBIAK, I. Conceptual principles of the educational doctrine of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the twentieth century. – Ternopil : Textbooks and manuals, 2006. - 588 p. ISBN-966-07-0665-1.
(3) SKRYPNIKOV, S. Catholic experience in educating a conscious citizen on a Christian basis / S. Skrypnikov // Scientific Notes [National University of Ostroh Academy]. Sir : Cultural Studies. - 2010 - Voip. 5. - P. 472. УДК 265.3.
(3) MARCO, V. Yu. Spiritual education of children of elementary school in catechetical and Catholic schools: Monograph / Victoria Marco. – Lviv : Publishing House of the Ukrainian Catholic University, 2015. – P. 9 . ISBN-978-966-2778-35-9.
(3) DYAKOV, V. Greek-Catholic Church as a Factor for the Formation of Religious and National Identity of the Ukrainian Diaspora in North America / V. Dyakov / Religion and Society. - 2014 - No. 3-4. - P. 179. УДК: 94 (477+73).
(3) PROTSYK, I. V. The struggle of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church for legalization in the second half of the 80s of the twentieth century. as a factor of democratization of the socio-political life of Ukraine / I.V. Protsyk // Collection of scientific works [Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G. S. Skovoroda]. Series : History and Geography. - 2011. - Vip. 40. - P. 34. УДК 94 (477) + 28 (09).
SHCHERBIAK, I. TCHERZHEVSKAYA, T.D., MISHCHYSHYN, I. Ya., SHCHERBYAK, Yu. A. Theoretical and methodological foundations of Christian pedagogy. Historical-pedagogical aspect: Monograph: Ch.I. – Ternopil : Textbooks and manuals, 2002. - 479 p. (The author belongs to Section ІІ, ІІІ, ІV.). ISBN 966-562-781-3.
(3) MATSISHINA, Z. A. Features of upbringing of the national culture of pupils in schools of Ukraine by means of decorative and applied arts / Z. A. Matsyshyn // Scientific notes of the Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk. Series: Art Studies. - 2013. - № 2. - P. 202. – УДК 372.874+371.3
(3) LAPPO, V. Problems of introduction of educational courses in spiritual and moral direction in the system of modern Ukrainian education / V. Lappo // Collection of scientific works of Uman State Pedagogical University. - 2013. - Part 1. - P. 125. УДК 37.01,37.09.
(3) MYKHAILYCHENKO, M. V. Educational technologies: a textbook for students of higher education / M. V. Mikhailichenko, Ya. M. Rudik; National University of Bioresources and Natural Resources of Ukraine. - K . : CP "Komprint", 2016. - 583 p. УДК 378.14:371.3.
Prehľad aktivít v organizovaní vysokoškolského vzdelávania a tvorivých činností
Názov inštitúcie/grémia
Časové vymedzenia pôsobenia
Medzinárodnej vedeckej rady katolíckych učiteľov;
Odbornej vedeckej rady v Tarnopole; Tarnopolská národná pedagogická univerzita;
člen vedeckej rady
Právnickej fakulty v Tarnopole; Tarnopolská národná pedagogická univerzita.