doc. RNDr. Branislav Nižnanský, CSc.

    Vysokoškolský učiteľ, Docent
    doc. RNDr. Branislav Nižnanský, CSc.

    Kde ma nájdete

    Katedra geografie

    Hrabovská cesta 1B
    034 01 Ružomberok

    Telefón: +421918 722 152

    Konzultačne hodiny

    13:10 - 14:50

    Možno dohodnúť individuálne telefonicky 918722152

    Profesijná charakteristika

    Doc. RNDr. Branislav Nižnanský, CSc. – CV

    Date and place of birth: 26.8. 1956 Trenčianske Teplice Nationality: Slovak, Gender: Male

    Work experience: 1980-1988 – High school teacher of math, informatics, descriptive geometry and geography (Gymnázium Krompachy a Spišská Nová Ves), 1988-2000 Research assistant – Department of Geography FHPV PU Prešov ( Cartography, Quantitative method in geography), 1988-89 research project ŠPZV II-7-1/04 part: Tourism and services in the Vranov n/T regional geography, 1990 – 2000 jury member in the regional and national Slovak republic student competitions GeO, SOČ, 2000 – 2002 Assistant – Department of geography PrF UMB Banská Bystrica (Cartography, Planetary geography, Geoinformation science), 2002 – 2006 Assistant Department of Geography PF KU Ružomberok (Cartography, Planetary geography, Geoinformation science, Behavioral geography), 2006 – currently Associate professor Dpt. of Geography PF KU Ružomberok (Cartography, Geoinformation science, Planetary geography, Adaptation program), 2010-2013 cooperation with Dpt. of Geography TU Liberec CZ (projects: Combined studies, Grenzraum 2 – with TU Chemtitz too, ICT in education), 2011 – currently cooperation with WSTiE Sucha Beskidzka Pl (projects: Razem dla zrovnovažnej turystyki 1 a 2, Kurz: Tourism in the V4 countries. 2010-2012 Program committee member- the international conference “Odborová didaktika – Interdisciplinárny dialóg (Ružomberok) and GIS Ostrava 2009 – 2012.Member of the editorial board: Zeszyty naukowe WSTiE Sucha Beskidzka

    Education and training: 1975 graduation Gymnázium Dubnica n/V, 1980 state finals (math, geography, marxism), master´s thesis: Cross curricular math and geography – Medzipredmetové vzťahy matematiky a zemepisu – Section of Geography Faculty of Science UK Bratislava, 1985 – RNDr. at the same school with prof. Zaťko a doc. Mičian in the examining board, 1994 Workshop certificate “SIG et nouvelle modelisation des donnees on the EGIS/MARI 1994 in Paris, 1998 – CSc / Ph D. Dissertation: Geographic oriented semantic model of the information system / Geograficky orientovaný sémantický model informačného systému. Faculty of the science UK, Bratislava, 2006 – habilitation of the FVT AO Brno (surveying and cartography), habilitation thesis: Theory of the map imaging on the basis of the empirical and theoretical research / Teória mapového zobrazovania na báze empiricko-teoretického geografického a kartografického výskumu. Habilitation lecture: Methaphysic aspects of the theoretical cartography / Metafyzické aspekty teoretickej kartografie.