Crossing borders between countries, scholars, and genres: Event at KU

    One-day academic event at the Catholic University in Ružomberok, organised by the Department of English Language and Literature as part of the Kathleen 80 project

    Monday 4 Nov 2024
    Venue: KU Rectorate (Exhibition Room of the Rectorate in the University Library, Catholic University in Ružomberok, Hrabovská cesta 1B)

    (access via the Library, from 9am - follow the signposts)                     Go to the events' ALBUM

    Programme:                 DOWNLOAD IN POSTER FORMAT

    10.00-10.15 Official opening by the Rector of KU
    doc. Ing. Jaroslav Demko, CSc. and the Dean of FF KU
    Mgr. Samuel Štefan Mahút, PhD.

    Ode to Kathleen the Brave
    by Mariia Biliavska

    10.15-10.25 Introducing Kathleen and the project by Katalin Balogné Bérces

    10.25-10.55 Janka Kaščáková (KU): Saruman the teacher, Saruman the priest

    10.55-11.00 brief personal memory, Katarína Labudová

    11.00-11.30 David Levente Palatinus (U. of Trnava & TUL Liberec):
    'One series to ruin them all?': The Rings of Power and the dynamics of
    division in the fandom

    11.30-11.45 coffee break

    11.45-12.15 Nóra Séllei (KU): How we (can) remember medieval women:
    Victoria MacKenzie’s
    For Thy Great Pain Have Mercy on my Little Pain

    12.15-12.20 brief personal memory, Janka Kaščáková

    12.20-12.50 Kinga Földváry (PPCU): The Middle Ages on screen, and
    what Shakespeare has got to do with it

    12.50-13.35 buffet lunch + POSTER SESSION (student projects)

    13.35-14.20 scholars on fantasy literature roundtable: Janka Kaščáková, David Levente Palatinus and Gabriella Reuss on J.R.R. Tolkien in Central Europe. Context, Directions, and the Legacy, edited by Kaščáková & Palatinus (Routledge, 2023; book website >>); and on The Truths of Monsters: Coming of Age with Fantastic Media by Ildikó Limpár (McFarland, 2021; book website >>), video interview with Ildikó Limpár

    14.20-14.30 video by TEFL MA students (O. Pichuhina, S. Liptáková, Y. Ivanun, M. Svajčíková)

    14.30-15.00 Ianina Volkova (MUNI): Liminal aspects in the hero’s journey in major works of Neil Gaiman

    15.00-15.10 coffee break

    15.10-15.15 video message by László Munteán (Radboud University)

    15.15-16.05 Tamás Karáth (PPCU): Catching the (medieval) reader on the margin

    16.05-16.35 Andrea Nagy (KGU Budapest): Translation, adaptation, creativity: The language of Genesis B

    16.35-17.05 Katalin Balogné Bérces (KU & PPCU): Now you see it, now you don’t: h-dropping in the early history of English

    17.05-17.15 Concluding remarks

    18.00-  Conference dinner


    The student projects have been produced under the auspices of Prof. Gabriella Reuss’s Visual Culture (BA) and English Poetry (MA) courses. The authors: H. Bah, M. Biliavska, L. Bušová, A. Gmitterová, B. Guráň, M. Hayrapetyan, K. Hoľková, Y. Ivanun, V. Košťálová, M. Khachatryan, M. Lianhus, S. Liptáková, K. Marich, R. Mkoyan, M. Molčányi, R. Mušutová, T. Nováková, O. Pichuhina, I. Rajek, M. Svajčíková, K. Višňáková, E. Vrábľová.

    The project titled Crossing borders between countries, scholars, genres: Commemorating the late Kathleen E. Dubs
    is supported by the International Visegrad Fund (#22420198). Project coordinator: Katalin Balogné Bérces (e-mail)