Crossing borders between countries, scholars, and genres: Event at KU

    Crossing borders between countries, scholars, and genres: Event at KU

    One-day academic event at the Catholic University in Ružomberok, organised by the Department of English Language and Literature as part of the Kathleen 80 project
    Project of the Department approved by the International Visegrad Fund

    Project of the Department approved by the International Visegrad Fund

    A cooperation of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, Pázmány Péter Catholic University and Masaryk University
    Naša vyučujúca Katarína Labudová laureátkou Liverpool University Press Reviewer Rewards

    Naša vyučujúca Katarína Labudová laureátkou Liverpool University Press Reviewer Rewards

    Professor Katarína Labudová awarded "Liverpool University Press Reviewer Rewards"
    A few important dates for the semester // Niektoré dôležité termíny na semester

    A few important dates for the semester // Niektoré dôležité termíny na semester

    summer semester 2023/2024 // letný semester 2023/2024
    Vyučovanie pre stredné školy

    Vyučovanie pre stredné školy

    Katedra anglického jazyka a literatúry ponúka pre stredné školy kreatívnu výučbu angličtiny
    Týždeň vedy a techniky na katedre Anglického jazyka

    Týždeň vedy a techniky na katedre Anglického jazyka

    7 & 9 November 2023
    J.R.R. Tolkien in Central Europe: Context, Directions, and the Legacy BOOK LAUNCH

    J.R.R. Tolkien in Central Europe: Context, Directions, and the Legacy BOOK LAUNCH

    9 Nov 2023
    Daniel Gonos, our graduate speaking at FTEA

    Daniel Gonos, our graduate speaking at FTEA

    3 Nov 2023
    Týždeň vedy – Science Week - KAJL 2023

    Týždeň vedy – Science Week - KAJL 2023

    7 & 9 November 2023
    A few important dates for the semester // Niektoré dôležité termíny na semester

    A few important dates for the semester // Niektoré dôležité termíny na semester

    winter semester 2023/2024 // zimný semester 2023/2024
    Deň otvorených dverí // Open Day

    Deň otvorených dverí // Open Day

    07 február 2023
    Food in Margaret Atwood’s Speculative Fiction

    Food in Margaret Atwood’s Speculative Fiction

    Volume authored by Katarína Labudová and published by Palgrave -- 20. nov. 2022
    Our day on Science Week

    Our day on Science Week

    7. nov. 2022
    Dominika Simonffyova's work with the Slovak Catholic Charity

    Dominika Simonffyova's work with the Slovak Catholic Charity

    Interview with our alumna on Godzone Podcast -- 1. sept. 2022
    Fantasy in Central Europe: Context, Directions, and the Legacy of J.R.R. Tolkien

    Fantasy in Central Europe: Context, Directions, and the Legacy of J.R.R. Tolkien

    International conference/Medzinárodná konferencia, 29–30. apríla 2022
    Our teachers and students in the April 2022 issue of Mozaika

    Our teachers and students in the April 2022 issue of Mozaika

    Naši učitelia a študenti vo vydaní Mozaiky z apríla 2022
    New university textbook written by K. Labudová

    New university textbook written by K. Labudová

    Nová učebnica vyučujúcej z katedry anglického jazyka a literatúry -- marec 2022
    Fantasy in Central Europe – Central European Fantasy: Context, Directions, and the Legacy of J.R.R. Tolkien

    Fantasy in Central Europe – Central European Fantasy: Context, Directions, and the Legacy of J.R.R. Tolkien

    International conference/Medzinárodná konferencia, 29–30. apríla 2022
    State exams: Exam topics

    State exams: Exam topics

    Štátne skúšky: Tézy -- február 2022
    On and Beyond J.R.R. Tolkien and the Fantasy Genre in the Post-Socialist Central Europe

    On and Beyond J.R.R. Tolkien and the Fantasy Genre in the Post-Socialist Central Europe

    Online workshop and roundtable discussion -- 9 december 2021