Crossing borders between countries, scholars, and genres: Event at PPCU

    One-day academic event at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, organised by the Institute of English and American Studies as part of the Kathleen 80 project

    In cooperation with the Kathleen E. Dubs Foundation, Hungary

    The foundation was established in 2012 by individuals who are all confident that studying is the best long-term investment, in order to support talented young people who need financial aid to accomplish their educational goals. The grant is available for university and college students for any purpose essentially connected to their studies: tuition fees, asset acquisition, financial subsidy for foreign scholarships.

    ♠ Friday 29 Nov 2024
    ♠ Venue:  
    Rm 112, PPCU Sophianum (Mikszáth tér 1., Budapest)   Click for info >>

    Go to the events' ALBUM

    Programme:                 DOWNLOAD IN POSTER FORMAT

    In the coffee break area: students’ posters (G. Reuss)

    9.00-9.10 Official opening by Head of Institute Károly Pintér

    9.10-9.25 Introduction of the project and photoreport of the Ružomberok event

    9.25-9.50 Ildikó Limpár (PPCU): Biblical and Tolkienian worldbuilding
    in science fiction: Raana Raas’s futuristic mythopoesis

    9.50-10.15 Larisa Kocic-Zámbó (U. of Szeged): Pullman’s revision of
    the Genesis Fall

    10.15-10.35 Coffee break

    10.35-10.50 Personal memories (Mónika Rusvai, Tibor Fabiny) and
    László Munteán’s (Radboud University) video

    10.50-11.15 Mariia Kokh (MUNI): ‘Who’ll be the clerk?’: Repainted, rerhymed
    and vaguely personal in the death of Cock Robin

    11.15-11.40 Beatrix Balogh (PPCU): From puritan humor and
    the genteel tradition to vitriolic pamphleteering: Reading Franklin’s satire
    with Kathleen E. Dubs

    11.40-12.05 Zsuzsanna Péri-Nagy (KGU Budapest): Transcendental visitations: The Friar’s Tale and Mann’s Doctor Faustus

    12.05-13.00 Lunch break // Student projects

    13.00-13.10 Introducing the K. E. Dubs Foundation

    13.10-13.35 Ianina Volkova (MUNI): Liminal aspects in Neil Gaiman’s novel American Gods

    13.35-14.00 Laura Škrobánková (MUNI): The Cthulhu mythos through the ages: From Lovecraft circle to Derleth mythos to cosmic cycles

    14.00-14.40 Fantasy roundtable and book launch (G. Reuss, I. Limpár) & book presentation: J.R.R. Tolkien in Central Europe - Context, Directions, and the Legacy, edited by Janka Kaščáková and David Levente Palatinus 

    14.40-15.00 Coffee break

    15.00-15.15 Personal memories (Katalin Halácsy, Tamás Karáth) and János Barcsák’s video

    15.15-15.40 Attila Starcevic (ELTE Budapest): The secret life of Old English enhancement

    15.40-16.05 Szilárd Szentgyörgyi (U. of Pannonia, Veszprém): Englishes in the Lord of the Rings movies: The source of the linguistic landscape of 21st century fantasy films

    16.05-16.20 Short break

    16.20-16.45 Mária Adorján (KGU Budapest): Frequency, focus and topic progression in L2 argumentative essays

    16.45-17.10 Andrea Reményi (PPCU): Verb phrase versatility as a syntactic complexity indicator in L2-English written texts

    17.10-17.15 Concluding remarks

    18.00- Conference dinner (+ screening of shorts/reels)


    The student projects have been produced under the auspices of Gabriella Reuss’s Journeys in Fantasy BA in English Studies course by Patrícia Bús, Dóra Czézner, Anna Garami-Bessenyei, Orsolya Hajdú, Fanni Siku, Dóra Fazekas, Zsófia Tücsök-Asbóth, Alexandra Rojkó, Angelika Németh, Bianka Nagy, Virág Reichart, Domonkos Varga.

    The project titled 
    Crossing borders between countries, scholars, genres: Commemorating the late Kathleen E. Dubs
    is supported by the Visegrad Fund (ID:22420198). Project coordinator: Katalin Balogné Bérces (e-mail)