Duchovné a kultúrne dedičstvo Spišskej Kapituly IV. : Vznik biskupstva, osobnosti a najnovšie udalosti
Representing a cultural-educational centre Spišská Kapitula played a significant role in the history of the Hungarian Kingdom and Slovakia as well. The monograph focuses on the period since the establishment of the Spiš bishopric in 1776 up to the present. Until the dissolution of Austria-Hungary the bishopric had been administered by eleven diocesan bishops, the first of which was Karol Salbeck (1776-1785) whereas Alexander Párvy (1904-1919) was the last one of the time. During the periods of sede vacante the diocese was administrated by the vicar capitulars. During the hard time period of the communist totalitarian regime between 1948-1989 many priests and believers had been persecuted in various ways, including the bishop Ján Vojtaššák who was unjustly imprisoned. At that time Spišská Kapitula and the diocese as a whole were administrated by the ordinaries, i.e. the vicar capitulars: Andrej Scheffer (1950-1968), ThDr. Jozef Ligoš (1968-1973) and Štefan Garaj (1973-1989). In 1989 a revival of the Catholic Church began within our territory under the episcopates of the diocesan bishops František Tondra (1989-2011) and Štefan Sečka (2011-2020). During the time many events happened that have been affecting Spišská Kapitula as the cultural and educational centre. In particular, episcopate of the bishop František Tondra was marked by the renewal of charitable facilities and institutions, namely the Spiš Catholic Charity and UNITAS - the Association of the Spiš Bishopric Priests. After the end of the totalitarian regime, the educational system at church schools was restored again, within the territory of the Spiš diocese. Consequently, the Catholic University in Ružomberok was founded at the time. In 1994 the management of bishopric forests was restored as well and thus have begun to be administered by the company named PRO POPULO, s.r.o. up to the present day. In 1995 Spišská Kapitula was visited by the Pope John Paul II. In the meanwhile, the bishop František Tondra, together with his successor Štefan Sečka and their co-workers have managed to hold several pastoral, educational, formative and scientific events as well. Moreover, the Second Spiš Diocesan Synod took place, canonical visitations were carried out, and the Symposium of Canon Law was established. Since that time several confessor courses have been going on, including permanent formation of priests and the Diocesan School of Faith. In jubilee 2017 the whole diocese commemorated its patron saint, St. Martin of Tours. The last volume of the publication is dedicated to the before mentioned aspects, apart from other aspects of cultural and educational life of Spišská Kapitula. Notwithstanding, listing of figures and biographical portraits of the auxiliary bishops, provosts and the canons of the Spiš cathedral chapter have been comprised by the monograph as well. The historical research of Spišská Kapitula – as of any other live institutions respectively – cannot be considered definitely finalized at any stage. Neither does the presented monograph claim that all possible issues have been covered by the book. There still are lots of figures and events that have increasingly influenced spiritual and cultural heritage of Spišská Kapitula and thus need to be researched in the future more profoundly.