Duchovné a kultúrne dedičstvo Spišskej Kapituly II. : Jezuitské gymnázium a učiteľský ústav
Spišská Kapitula as a cultural and educational centrehas played an important role in both the history of the Kingdom of Hungary and the Slovak history. With its institutions that had been established and operated in the area throughout the history, it became a centre of significant cultural and religious influence. The impact of this centre on a substantial part of our country also had its important profane, scientific and educational dimensions that were shown primarily in education. The presented monograph aims to draw attention from the whole spectrum of educational, spiritual and cultural influences to the two educational units that have been closely linked to each other through their existence and content in the history of Spišská Kapitula. The Jesuit Grammar school (gymnasium) in Spišská Kapitula and the Grammar school in Levoča functioned from 1648 – 1773. The Teaching Institute in Spišská Kapitula worked in 1819 – 1949. Both institutions are connected not only by time flow but also by the fact that they devoted themselves to the education of laymen on high school level. The Jesuits prepared the youngsters for the future professions of notaries, writers, lawyers, as well as the representatives of higher chairman's and regional offices, the Teaching Institute educated future teachers, holders of education, culture and enlightenment. And despite the fact that some graduates either of Jesuit studies or of the Teaching institute have chosen to pursue a spiritual career, these educational institutions focused on educating the future laymen intelligence. The origin, circumstances of working and history of these important institutions are the main content of this monograph. Equally important, however, are the personal lists and biographical medallions of the personalities associated with these institutions that are part of the text as well. Research in the history of Jesuit education in Spišská Kapitula or the Teaching Institute in Spišská Kapitula cannot be considered to be definitely completed at any stage. Moreover, the presented monograph does not claim the status of absolute exhaustion of any other possible topics. Apart from that, great many personalities, including various didactic and pedagogical issues, social, religious, political and linguistic, but also pragmatic questions about the functioning of education in Spišská Kapitula in the given period remain to be explored further.