Academic writing, BA/MA thesis (in English)
Useful instructions and documents for the thesis:
- Ukončenie štúdia a záverečné práce (Graduation and theses, in Slovak) >>
- General Guidelines of the Faculty (in Slovak)
- Thesis Supervision Guidelines + Appendix: for theses in linguistics
- BA/MA thesis writers’ declaration form on completing the thesis writing seminar
Academic misconduct and plagiarism
When writing your thesis and research papers/seminar essays in general, avoid plagiarism -- cite your sources! Here is a quick guide to how to, and this one is an even quicker guide to citation formats.
Plagiarism and lifting are forms of academic misconduct. (See the disciplinary regulations and procedures of the Faculty here.) Should you need further info and clarification, consult e.g. the relevant site of the University of Cambridge and another example here with a practice quiz.
In addition, students are required to acknowledge the following on the cover page of their seminar essays, and follow the same principles during the writing process of their theses:
Hereby, I certify that the essay as a text is my production, it was written using only the basic functions of Word (or equivalent word processor), without the help of any text transforming or text generating software tool (including Quillbot, Grammarly, AI chatbots, but not excluding other similar tools), and it also conforms to international copyright and plagiarism rules and regulations.
Further quizzes here to help you with your style.
Choosing a topic and a supervisor for the thesis
Students can choose any of the teachers of the department as a thesis supervisor, even the ones whose classes they have not attended, on the basis of students' interests and teachers' expertise. Below you find a list of people and topics (and more detailed personal profiles here).
Potential thesis topics are advertised in ais2, but whether students find a theme of their liking there or not, they should contact the teacher directly, who will tell them whether they are still available for supervision, and they can also help students choose a better topic and/or find a more suitable supervisor if they feel incompetent in the topics the student mentions.
People and topics:
prof. Nóra Séllei, PhD., DrSc. -
19th and 20th Century Women Writers, Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism, Women’s Studies, Gender Studies, Modernist Narrative Techniques, Theory of Autobiography, Feminist Film Theory and Criticism, Adaptation Theory
doc. Mgr. Janka Kaščáková, PhD. -
19th and Early 20th Century English Literature, Modernism, Modernist Short Story, Katherine Mansfield, Fantasy Literature, J. R. R. Tolkien
doc. Mgr. Gabriella Reuss, PhD. -
Adaptation Studies, Theatre history, puppetry, contemporary (stage/opera/puppet/etc.) adaptations of Shakespeare, Comics/Graphic novel, Literature and visual arts
PaedDr. Katarína Labudová, PhD. -
Contemporary British Literature, Canadian Literature, Angela Carter, Margaret Atwood, Fairy Tales
Mgr. Katalin Balogné Bérces, PhD. -
English linguistics, Phonological theory, Government Phonology, Pronunciation teaching, Foreign accent
Mgr. Jela Kehoe, PhD. -
Translation Studies, ELT, Irish Mythology
Bc. John Kehoe -
Communicative Skills in EL, Business English, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs in EL