Profesijná charakteristika
Katalin Balogné Bérces získala v roku 1998 magisterský titul z anglického jazyka a literatúry na Fakulte humanitných vied Univerzity Eötvösa Loránda (ELTE) v Budapešti v Maďarsku a potom začala výskum v doktorandskom programe anglickej lingvistiky (ELTE). Obhajobu dizertačnej práce s názvom Strict CV Phonology and the English Cross-Word Puzzle, s najvyššou kvalifikáciou (summa cum laude) obhájila v roku 2006. (Revidovaná verzia práce bola publikovaná ako monografia v roku 2008 vydavateľom VDM Verlag.) Získala výskumné granty na Katedre lingvistiky, SOAS, Londýn (2001, 2003) a CASTL, Tromsø (2011). Jej oblasť výskumu je fonológia angličtiny, so zvláštnym záujmom o jej slabickú štruktúru a konsonantické procesy. Okrem niekoľkých organizácií (ESSE, SKASE, HUSSE atď.), je členkou Okrúhleho Stola Vládnej Fonológie (Government Phonology Round Table). Je editorkou výslovnosti niekoľkých anglicko-maďarských slovníkov.
V roku 2006 je spoluautorkou (so Szilárdom Szentgyörgyim, Univerzita Pannon, Maďarsko) Výslovnosti angličtiny (The Pronunciation of English), učebnice (na stiahnutie tu) a digitálneho materiálu v rámci projektu HEFOP (Operačný program Ľudské zdroje) Humanitné konzorcium pre vývoj učebných materiálov na úrovni BA. V roku 2008 vyšla vo vydavateľstve Ad Librum jej učebnica s názvom Dialektológia angličtiny pre začiatočníkov (Beginner's English Dialectology), ktorú je možné od roku 2016 stiahnuť z Maďarskej elektronickej knižnice (tu). V roku 2016 zostavila pre projekt učebnice PPCU učebnicu s názvom Štruktúra angličtiny (The Structure of English) (stiahnuť tu).
Vyučovala rôzne kurzy anglickej lingvistiky, fonológie, syntaxe a dialektológie na PPKE/PPCU, ako aj na (predtým) ELTE a Univerzite Károliho Gáspára (Budapešť) a (v súčasnosti) Katolíckej univerzite v Ružomberku; hosťovala na univerzite v Edinburghu a teraz je pravidelne pozvanou lektorkou na univerzite Babeş-Bolyai v Cluj-Napoca, Rumunsko. Na Katedre anglického jazyka a literatúry, KU, pracuje od roku 2019, od roku 2020 ako lektorka na plný úväzok.
1998–2001: Holder of state stipend for PhD students
Sept–Dec 2001: “Eötvös” Scholarship of the Hungarian State for studying abroad (Dept. of Linguistics, SOAS, London, UK) (3 months)
May–Aug 2003: “Eötvös” Scholarship of the Hungarian State for studying abroad (Dept. of Linguistics, SOAS, London, UK) with Academic Hospitality (3 months)
2005–2006: HEFOP (Human Resources Operative Programme) Humanities Consortium, project for the development of BA-level teaching materials: textbook and digital material entitled The Pronunciation of English (Az angol nyelv kiejtése), co-author: Szilárd Szentgyörgyi (HEFOP-3.3.1-P.-2004-09-0134/1.0)
Nov 2010: Guest lecturership at the Department of Linguistics and English Language, School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh (LLP-Erasmus Programme Individual Teaching Programme for Teaching Staff Mobility)
Sept–Dec 2011: Guest researcher, CASTL, University of Tromsø (Yggdrasil Mobility Programme for Young Researchers, Research Council of Norway)
Nov 2016: Guest lecturership at the Department of Hungarian and General Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca (Romania) (Erasmus+ Programme for Teaching Staff Mobility)
2017–2018: Coordinator of “KAP” research grant from PPCU awarded to the Theoretical Linguistics Research Group, PPCU (KAP17-61001-1.1-BTK “Nyelvelméleti kutatások a nyelvtan központi területein”)
Nov 2017: Guest lecturership at the Department of Hungarian and General Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca (Romania) (Erasmus+ Programme for Teaching Staff Mobility)
May–June 2018: “KAP” research grant from PPCU: research and strategic trip to the University of Edinburgh (KAP18-51006-1.2-BTK “Ábrázolásalapú fonológiák”)
Nov 2018: Guest lecturership at the Department of Hungarian and General Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca (Romania) (Erasmus+ Programme for Teaching Staff Mobility)
Oct 2019: Guest lecturership at the Department of Hungarian and General Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca (Romania) (Erasmus+ Programme for Teaching Staff Mobility)
Jan–June 2020: Ministry for Innovation and Technology “Tématerületi Kiválósági Program” (TKP – Thematic Excellence Program) (TUDFO/51757-1/2019-ITM) research grant for 2019-2020, Laboratory Linguistics sub-project, principal investigator: Balázs Surányi („Kutatások a mai reprezentációs fonológiaelméletek témájában. Áttekintő értékelő tanulmány készítése a témáról társszerzőként. Angol nyelvű tanulmánygyűjtemény szerkesztése a kutatási témában társszerkesztőként. Hibamintázatok tanulmányozása az angol mint idegen nyelv magyar nyelvtanulók általi elsajátításában a nyelvi univerzálék érvényesülésének szempontjából Piukovics Ágnessel közösen.”)
Oct 2020–Oct 2022: Ministry for Innovation and Technology “Tématerületi Kiválósági Program” (TKP – Thematic Excellence Program) research grant (TKP2020-NKA-11), Theoretical and Laboratory Linguistics project, principal investigator: Balázs Surányi
1 June 2022 “Cena dekana FF KU v Ružomberku za rok 2021 za pedagogickú činnosť”
June 2024: ESSE Book and Resource Grants reward (EUR 220) granted to the project “A sociophonetic study of Southern Hemisphere Englishes”, carried out jointly with Erika Sajtós
Číslo projektu: | TKP2020-NKA-11 | Doba riešenia projektu: | 1. Okt 2020 - 1. Okt 2022 |
Vedúci projektu: | prof. Dr. Balázs Surányi, DSc. (PPKE, Budapest) |
Číslo projektu: | NKFIH 142498 | Doba riešenia projektu: | 1. Okt 2022 - 31. Aug 2026 |
Vedúci projektu: | Dr. Péter Szigetvári (ELTE, Budapest) |
Číslo projektu: | PPKE-BTK-KUT-23-2 | Doba riešenia projektu: | 1. Jan 2024 - 31. Dec 2026 |
Vedúci projektu: | Balázs Surányi, DSc MAE |
Číslo projektu: | 22420198 | Doba riešenia projektu: | 1. Sept 2024 - 30. Jún 2025 |
Vedúci projektu: | Mgr. Katalin Balogné Bérces, PhD. |
I am currently involved in the following research projects I am planning to continue pursuing and to accomplish:
- Sept 2024 – June 2025: Visegrad Fund grant #22420198 “Crossing borders between countries, scholars, and genres: Commemorating the late Kathleen E. Dubs”. Grantee: KU Ružomberok, partners: PPCU Budapest and Masaryk U. Brno (I am main coordinator).
- 1 Oct 2022–31 Aug 2026: OTKA project (NKFIH #142498) (granted by the National Research, Development and Innovation (NRDI) Office and the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ITM)) “Laryngeal patterns in synchrony and diachrony”, principal investigator: Péter Szigetvári (ELTE, Budapest).!laryngeal
- Our team is working on the phonetics and phonology of laryngeal (voicing and aspirating) patterns in languages, with a primary focus on synchronic and diachronic varieties of English and in second and third language acquisition. Experimental phonetic data are being gathered to support theoretical modelling. I am primarily concerned with dialectal variation and laryngeal subsystems in English, its emergence and motivation in historical and contact processes.
- 2023–2025: “Theoretical Phonology and the Phonology of English” (ThPhPhE) international project led by Patrick Honeybone (U. of Edinburgh) and Martin Krämer (U. of Tromsø)
- The (unfunded) project intends to fill the gap in the current phonological literature of a comprehensive reference work on recent theoretical argumentation based on data from (varieties of) English on the one hand, and on phenomena attested in (varieties of) present-day English couched in cutting-edge theoretical discourse on the other. My planned contribution is on laryngeal subsystems and models of voice assimilation.
- 2023–2025: Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Phonology (PhonCom2) international project led by Kuniya Nasukawa; editors: Kuniya Nasukawa (Tohoku Gakuin University, Sendai, Japan), Bridget Samuels (University of Southern California, USA), Geoff Schwartz (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland), Miklós Törkenczy (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)
- The second volume is intended as a complement to the book first published in 2011. My planned contribution is on consonantal phonotactics.
- Jan 2024 – Dec 2026: Excellent research group internal grant of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, PPCU, awarded to the Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics Research Group’s project “‘Incomplete’ linguistic systems in a theoretical and experimental linguistic approach” (PPKE-BTK-KUT-23-2), principal investigator: Balázs Surányi
- My planned contribution is to the theoretical phonological module (hybrid laryngeal systems emerging under language/dialect contact (esp. Northern British varieties of English); the emergence of an internal speech norm in the development of New Zealand English -- in collaboration with supervisee Erika Sajtós) and to the second language phonological module (interlanguage phonology, pronunciation teaching, the components of learner pronunciation and their characterisation in terms of teachability and learnability, Eastern European English phonology -- in collaboration with ex-supervisee Ágnes Piukovics and current co-supervisee Noémi Gyurka).
Besides these, a collaboration with Shanti Ulfsbjorninn (Memorial U. of Newfoundland) is still in progress (and the results are still to be published) on palatalisation in Hungarian on the one hand, and on the synchronic and diachronic analysis of article allomorphy interacting with H-dropping in (British) English on the other.
Autor/Kolektív: | Mgr. Katalin Balogné Bérces, PhD. |
Ďalší autori: | Shanti Ulfsbjorninn (U. of Deusto) |
Vydavateľstvo: | Acta Linguistica Academica Vol. 67.1: 1–170. |
Rok vydania: | 2020 |
ISBN: | Print ISSN: 2559-8201 Online ISSN: 2560-1016 |

Autor/Kolektív: | Mgr. Katalin Balogné Bérces, PhD. |
Ďalší autori: | Magay, Tamás and Országh, László (eds.) |
Vydavateľstvo: | Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. |
Rok vydania: | 2012 |
ISBN: | 9789630592383 |
![Angol–magyar szótár + net + e-szótár ÚJ KIADÁS. [English–Hungarian Dictionary + net + e-dictionary NEW EDITION.]](
Autor/Kolektív: | Mgr. Katalin Balogné Bérces, PhD. |
Ďalší autori: | Hegedűs, Attila; Surányi, Balázs |
Vydavateľstvo: | Budapest: PPKE BTK Elméleti Nyelvészet Tszk – Magyar Nyelvészet Tszk. |
Rok vydania: | 2021 |
ISBN: | 978-963-308-416-8 |
![Nyelvelmélet és dialektológia 5 [Theoretical linguistics and dialectology 5]](
Autor/Kolektív: | Mgr. Katalin Balogné Bérces, PhD. |
Ďalší autori: | Hegedűs, Attila; Pintér, Lilla |
Vydavateľstvo: | Budapest–Piliscsaba: PPKE BTK Elméleti Nyelvészet Tszk – Magyar Nyelvészet Tszk. |
Rok vydania: | 2020 |
ISBN: | 978-963-308-389-5 |
![Nyelvelmélet és diakrónia 4 [Theoretical linguistics and diachrony 4]](
Autor/Kolektív: | Mgr. Katalin Balogné Bérces, PhD. |
Vydavateľstvo: | Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. |
Rok vydania: | 2018 |
ISBN: | 978-963-454-234-6 |

Autor/Kolektív: | Mgr. Katalin Balogné Bérces, PhD. |
Vydavateľstvo: | Budapest: Ad Librum. |
Rok vydania: | 2008 |
ISBN: | 978-963-9888-44-9 |

Autor/Kolektív: | Mgr. Katalin Balogné Bérces, PhD. |
Vydavateľstvo: | Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. |
Rok vydania: | 2008 |
ISBN: | 978-3-639-10840-8 |

Autor/Kolektív: | Mgr. Katalin Balogné Bérces, PhD. |
Ďalší autori: | Nemesi, Attila László; Surányi, Balázs |
Vydavateľstvo: | Budapest: PPKE BTK Elméleti Nyelvészet Tszk – Magyar Nyelvészet Tszk. |
Rok vydania: | 2022 |
ISBN: | 978-963-308-435-9 |
![Nyelvelmélet és kontaktológia 5 [Theoretical linguistics and contactology 5]](
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