Motív Božieho zľutovania v modlitbe Manassesa a kajúcich žalmoch 51 a 102

    Názov: Motív Božieho zľutovania v modlitbe Manassesa a kajúcich žalmoch 51 a 102

    Title: The Motif of God´s Mercy in the Prayer of Manasses and Repentential Psalms 51 and 102

    Fulltext (.pdf)

    Autor/Author: Ráchel Kaminská   

    In: DOKOR 2024: Recenzovaný zborník z medzinárodnej interdisciplinárnej doktorandskej konferencie DOKOR 2024

    ISBN: 978-80-561-1102-4

    Strany/Pages: 193-200

    Rok vydania/Publication Year: 2024

    Vydavateľ/Publisher: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku

    Abstrakt/Abstract: The Prayer of King Manasseh is one of the most famous prayers in the intertestamental literature of the Old Testament. This fifteen-verse hymn, which most Greek manuscripts of the Old Testament assign as an appendix to the Psalms, is an individual penitential prayer in which the Jewish king Manasseh pleads with God for mercy. The most distinctive attribute of this confession is how it interweaves various biblical motifs to create a prayer that is still used in the liturgical celebration of the Great Vespers, along with the prayer of Psalms 51 and 102. Because of the many parallels with the canonical books of the Holy Scripture, it is, therefore, necessary to note the thematic similarity between this prayer and Psalms in which the psalmist also invokes God's mercy and hopes for God's help. Our focus in this paper is on the motif of God's mercy on the repentant sinner in the King Manasseh Confession and Psalms 51 and 102.

    Kľúčové slová/Keywords: King Manasseh, intertestamental literature, psalms, prayer, God's mercy


    KAMINSKÁ, Ráchel, 2024. Motív Božieho zľutovania v modlitbe Manassesa a kajúcich žalmoch 51 a 102. In: DOKOR 2024: Recenzovaný zborník z medzinárodnej interdisciplinárnej doktorandskej konferencie. Online. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, s. 193-200. ISBN 978-60-561-1102-4. Dostupné na:


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