Termovízne technológie: moderné nástroje pre monitorovanie a ochranu životného prostredia
Názov: Termovízne technológie: moderné nástroje pre monitorovanie a ochranu životného prostredia
Title: Thermal Imaging Technologies: Modern Tools for Environmental Monitoring and Protection
Fulltext (.pdf)
In: DOKOR 2024: Recenzovaný zborník z medzinárodnej interdisciplinárnej doktorandskej konferencie DOKOR 2024
ISBN: 978-80-561-1102-4
Strany/Pages: 322-329
Rok vydania/Publication Year: 2024
Vydavateľ/Publisher: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Abstrakt/Abstract: This scientific article explores the applications and utilization of thermal imaging systems with an emphasis on their environmental impact. The theoretical part of the article provides an introduction to the field of thermography, highlighting its potentoval in environmental protection. It further analyzes the possibilities of using thermal cameras and their technical parameters with regard to ecological aspects. Computational methods and mathematical models relevant to this area are also described. In the practical section of the article, two thermal cameras, FLUKE Ti32 and FLIR T440, are compared, focusing on their technical parameters and environmental impact. Thermal imaging systems were used to identify construction errors and deficiencies to minimize their negative impact on the environment. The conclusion evaluates the experimental results and emphasizes the importance of thermal imaging systems in the context of environmental sustainability and nature conservation.
Kľúčové slová/Keywords: thermal imaging systems, environmental impact, thermography, environmental applications of thermal imaging
BEGÁNI, Maroš, 2024. Termovízne technológie: moderné nástroje pre monitorovanie a ochranu životného prostredia. In: DOKOR 2024: Recenzovaný zborník z medzinárodnej interdisciplinárnej doktorandskej konferencie. Online. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, s. 322-329. ISBN 978-60-561-1102-4. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.54937/2024.9788056111024.322-329
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