Prítomnosť Ježišovi blízkych osôb pri jeho ukrižovaní podľa kánonických evanjelií
Fulltext (.pdf)
Autor: Matúš Imrich
In: Verba Theologica
ISSN: 1336-1635 (Print)
ISSN: 2644-4844 (Online)
Ročník: XXIII.
Číslo: Supplementum
Strany: 106-113
Rok vydania: 2024
Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Abstract: The scene of the crucified Jesus accompanied by his mother and his beloved disciple is one of the most represented in the Christian visual art. This article presents how the four canonical Gospels recount the presence of the persons close to Jesus at his crucifixion. First, it is focused on the Synoptic Gospels, which have many similarities in presenting the scene. The differences are pointed out, as well. Then, the way in which the Gospel according to John portrays the situation is laid out. From this simple presentation it will become evident that John’s version differs significantly from that of the Synoptics. This leads to brief remarks on the historicity of the scene. The simple exercise of presenting the way in which respective Gospels recount the same scene at the crucifixion will show how its representations in the Christian visual art focus on one particular account while the other are rather put aside.
Keywords: Christian visual art, crucifixion, mother of Jesus, disciples, history
IMRICH, Matúš, 2024. Prítomnosť Ježišovi blízkych osôb pri jeho ukrižovaní podľa kánonických evanjelií. In: Verba Theologica. Online. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, roč. XXIII., Supplementum, s. 106-113. ISSN 1336-1635 (Print). ISSN 2644-4844 (Online). Dostupné na: