Prípad jednej nešťastnej anotácie, pseudovedeckého zborníka a zamyslenie sa nad indoeuropeistikou na Slovensku
Fulltext (.pdf)
Autor: Stanislav Gubančok
In: Kultúrne dejiny
ISSN: 1338-2209
Ročník: 14
Číslo: 1
Strany: 77-85
Rok vydania: 2023
Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Abstract: In 2020 and 2021, a summary of the book Arctic Theory of Our Origin written by Russian ethnologist and Indologist Natalia Romanovna Guseva appeared in multiple places. This summary was written by Lenka Mihová and published in several journals: Cultural history, Studia Mythologica Slavica, and Literary magazine. This summary was written in a completely unprofessional manner and quoted absurd statements (for example, that Slovak writer Jozef Banáš was able to understand Indians in the Slovak language and they understood him), which showed that the author of this abstract was unable to approach this book critically. Based on this unfortunate summary, I decided to write a critique analysing Mihová’s problematic approach as well as the background of the published translation of Guseva’s compilation. In general, the “Arctic Theory” is an unscientific narrative without the support of any archaeological or relevant linguistic evidence, and it is popular amongst the esoteric and nationalistic groups in Russia and India. Neither the book’s slipshod translation nor Mihová’s summary are in line with the available knowledge of the Indo-European culture or comparative linguistics thereof. Both show a considerable lack of critical reflection or erudition to evaluate the material.
GUBANČOK, Stanislav. Prípad jednej nešťastnej anotácie, pseudovedeckého zborníka a zamyslenie sa nad indoeuropeistikou na Slovensku. In: Kultúrne dejiny [online]. VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, 2023, 14 (1), s. 67-76. ISSN 1338-2209. Dostupné na internete: