Opportunities for the Development of Cognitive Functions in Preschool Children Through Emotions

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    Autori: Daniela Kolibová, Eva Dolinská

    In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ružomberok

    ISSN: 1336-2232

    Ročník: XXI.

    Číslo: 2

    Strany: 41-51

    Rok vydania: 2022

    Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku

    Abstract: Educational practice currently deals with the emotions of preschool children to a small extent, so we are of the opinion that their preparation is not sufficient for the school and for life, too. We came to this knowledge when we were working with preschool children hospitalized in hospital. The aim of the presented study is to analyse the opportunities of developing cognitive functions of preschool children through working with their emotions. The goal was set because of that in the practice is not the sufficient account of an association of the child’s cognitive and emotional development. We approached this goal through qualitative and quantitative research, in which the level of partial cognitive functions of children before and after working with their emotions were diagnosed. To diagnose children from the research group, we used the B. Sindelar method and the B. Bays method “PATH”. In the practical part we present the goal of the research - the importance of the relationship between cognitive functions and emotions. The sub-targets are formulated in research questions and hypotheses about differences in children's performance, which were statistically verified. Based on the survey, a discussion and conclusions for practice are formulated.

    Keywords: Cognitive functions. Educational diagnostics. Child of preschool age. Emotions.


    KOLIBOVÁ, Daniela and DOLINSKÁ, Eva, 2022. Opportunities for the Development of Cognitive Functions in Preschool Children Through Emotions. In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ružomberok. Online. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, vol. XXI., no. 2, pp. 41-51. ISSN 1336-2232. Available from: https://doi.org/10.54937/ssf.2022.21.2.41-51