Fulltext (.pdf)


    Autor: Anna Klim-Klimaszewska

    In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ružomberok

    ISSN: 1336-2232

    Ročník: XXII.

    Číslo: 1

    Strany: 33-44

    Rok vydania: 2023

    Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku

    Abstract: For many years computers have an increasing influence on changes in the functioning of societies. Informatics as a field of knowledge integrates with almost all other fields and becomes their inseparable element. Developing the IT competences of children and youth is one of the priority directions of the educational policy in Poland. Early contact with informatics at school should introduce children to the possibilities of using this field and arouse interest in information technology, so that schoolers entering professional and adult life are prepared to take on the responsibilities and challenges of the 21st century. Core curriculum for classes I-III of the primary school contains detailed requirements in the field of IT education. The article presents the content of IT education, the effects that a student should achieve at the end of early childhood education and the methods of conducting IT classes.

    Keywords: IT education. Classes I-III. Early childhood education. Primary school. Informatics.


    KLIM-KLIMASZEWSKA, Anna, 2023. Edukacja informatyczna w klasach I-III szkoły podstawowej w Polsce. In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ružomberok. Online. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, roč. XXII., č. 1, s. 33-44. ISSN 1336-2232. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.54937/ssf.2023.22.1.33-44