Ochrana zdravia a bezpečnosť pri práci na odbernom mieste pri testovaní antigénovými a PCR testami

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    Autori: Pavol Tománek, Eliška Knošková, Jaroslava Drgová, Monika Knošková,  Dušan Kollár, Štefan Anton Kollár

    In: Zdravotnícke štúdie

    ISSN: 1337-723X

    Ročník: XV

    Číslo: 1

    Strany: 59-66

    Rok vydania: 2023

    Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku

    Abstract: The focus of this article is to zoom in on the specifics and point out the importance of health and safety in the work of a team of workers at the collection point participating in antigen and PCR testing. At the same time, also point out the necessity of prevention and protection of personnel when differentiating the potentially infected from the negative tested. The area of great debate is precisely the working environment, its individual working conditions and, last but not least, the prevention of accidents or the risk of infection with infectious diseases. The department of safety and health protection at work combines several procedures and measures used to prevent their occurrence. The company‘s task is to place greater emphasis on creating working conditions for healthcare workers, which will enable them to perform their work safely, without harming their health, and the work will have a positive effect on the physical and mental abilities of the workers. It also conducts and ensures training and verfication of knowledge of regulations on safety and health protection at work, cooperates with the bodies of trade unions, hygiene services and state professional supervision over compliance with regulations on safety and health protection at work.

    Keywords: Security. Work. Health worker


    TOMÁNEK, Pavol et al., 2023. Ochrana zdravia a bezpečnosť pri práci na odbernom mieste pri testovaní antigénovými a PCR testami. In: Zdravotnícke štúdie. Online. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, roč. XV, č. 1, s. 59-66. ISSN 1337-723X. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.54937/zs.2023.15.1.59-66