Analýza kresby v kontexte vývinu dieťaťa s Aspergerovým syndrómom
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Autori: Barbora Kováčová, Zuzana Trefná
In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ružomberok
ISSN: 1336-2232
Ročník: XXII.
Číslo: 2
Strany: 70-82
Rok vydania: 2023
Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Abstract: The paper describes the theoretical-research background oriented to the drawing of a child with autism spectrum disorder with a comparison of characteristics in the drawing of a child with intact development. Through analyses of drawings of a child with Asperger's syndrome, the authors present unique characteristics of drawing expression. They analyze 13 of the authors' drawings of a boy with Asperger's syndrome that were collected over a two-year period. Specifically, this was the developmental period of the boy with Asperger's syndrome when he began to be drawing active (4 years and 6 months) and at a marked progression in drawing representation (6 years and 7 months). The authors consider the qualitative assessment of drawings as a possible evaluative support for further research on the appreciation of drawings of children with autism spectrum disorder.
Keywords: Drawing. Child with autism spectrum disorder. Asperger's syndrome. Analysis of drawings.
KOVÁČOVÁ, Barbora a TREFNÁ, Zuzana, 2023. Analýza kresby v kontexte vývinu dieťaťa s Aspergerovým syndrómom. In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ružomberok. Online. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, roč. XXII., č. 2, s. 70-82. ISSN 1336-2232. Dostupné na: