Sociálna opora ako súčasť zdravotnej gramotnosti u pacientov s artériovou hypertenziou

    Fulltext (.pdf)

    Autori: Mariana Magerčiaková, Marcela Ižová, Katarína Zrubáková, Mária Novysedláková

    In: Zdravotnícke štúdie

    ISSN: 1337-723X

    Ročník: XVI

    Číslo: 2

    Strany: 47-52

    Rok vydania: 2024

    Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku


    Objectives: The partial objective of the pilot study was to determine the perception of social support in the field of health in patients with arterial hypertension. The pilot study was carried out as part of the KEGA project no. 010 a ku-4/2022 implementation of elements of supporting health literacy of the adult population in education in the field of nursing.
    Material and methods: The survey group consisted of 96 respondents with arterial hypertension. 52 (54%) women and 44 (46%) men were represented in the ensemble. The respondents were aged between 19 and 76 years (average age: 49.3 years). Data collection was carried out using the Slovak version of the standardized measurement tool Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ) based on the HLQ™ license agreement.
    Results: The average score achieved for the entire domain 4 of the HLQ questionnaire: Social support in the field of health is at the level of 3.06, which means that the respondents feel a strong social support in the field of health. The analysis of the results in our pilot study did not show a statistical significance of age, gender, education and place of residence of the respondents in relation to the perception of social support.
    Conclusion: Optimal health literacy in patients with arterial hypertension is essential for effective disease management, including blood pressure monitoring, adherence to recommended treatment procedures, and lifestyle modification. Social support is an integral part of health literacy in patients with arterial hypertension.

    Keywords: Arterial hypertension. Patient. Social support. Health literacy.


    MAGERČIAKOVÁ, Mariana; IŽOVÁ, Marcela; ZRUBÁKOVÁ, Katarína a NOVYSEDLÁKOVÁ, Mária 2024. Sociálna opora ako súčasť zdravotnej gramotnosti u pacientov s artériovou hypertenziou. In: Zdravotnícke štúdie. Online. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, roč. XVI, č. 2, s. 47-52. ISSN 1337-723X. Dostupné na: