Kauza Mikuláša de Frusten: uhorská augustiniánska provincia v druhej polovici 14. storočia
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Autor: Miroslav Huťka
In: Kultúrne dejiny
ISSN: 1338-2209
Ročník: 14
Číslo: Supplement
Strany: 59-69
Rok vydania: 2023
Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Abstract: Interpersonal relationships are often problematic, and it was no different in the past. The aim of our study is the analysis of the dispute that broke out between Nicholas de Oradea, provincial of the Augustinian order, and friar Nicholas de Frusten, later bishop of Belgrade. It seems that the local conflict, thanks to an appeal, reached the prior general of the Augustinians, Gregor de Rimini, who sent several visitators and a vicar to Hungary. In the Hungarian province, the dispute caused great tension, which led to the imprisonment of the visitors and the escape of Nicholas de Frusten to Vienna. The conflict apparently intensified at the extraordinary provincial chapter of the Hungarian Augustinians, which was held sometime between April and July 1358, where the provincial prior could also be dismissed. The conflict was also an example of the use of medieval religious law and its application in practice. Despite the strictly hierarchical system, the Hungarian province probably had a large degree of autonomy, and the prior general was unable to depose the provincial. Like most disputes, this one was eventually settled and both personalities continued to work in Hungary in the following period. They gradually disappear from our information. We will be interested in what the cause of the conflict was, how the dispute proceeded and finally how the whole matter was resolved. How did the prior general of the Augustinian order use his options to settle the dispute? How did the religious visitators work? At the same time, I will ask myself whether the dispute was part of the initial reform of the religious life of the Augustinians.
Keywords: Nikolas de Frusten, Middle Ages, Augustinians, Hungarian province, Nikolas de Oradea
HUŤKA, Miroslav. Kauza Mikuláša de Frusten: uhorská augustiniánska provincia v druhej polovici 14. storočia. . In: Kultúrne dejiny [online]. VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, 2023, 14 (Supplement), s. 59-69. ISSN 1338-2209. Dostupné na internete: https://doi.org/10.54937/kd.2023.14.Supp.59-69