Aktuelle Herausforderungen der inklusiven Bildung und Förderung von Schülern mit besonderen erzieherischen und Bildungsbedürfnissen in der Slowakei

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    Autor: Lenka Nováková

    In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ružomberok

    ISSN: 1336-2232

    Ročník: XXIII.

    Číslo: 5

    Strany: 143-162

    Rok vydania: 2024

    Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku

    Abstract: The education system in the Slovak Republic is currently undergoing a number of legislative and systemic changes, especially in the education of pupils with special educational needs. There have been changes that have shifted the education system towards inclusive education and are based on the long-term needs of educational institutions that have to respond to the increasing number of pupils with certain disabilities or other difficulties that a pupil may face during their education. The article focuses on inclusive education, the development of education for pupils with special educational needs, and the current changes that have occurred in this field. It presents the attitudes, needs, and opinions of special educators in relation to the changes that have occurred with the amendment of the Education Act and the introduction of the catalog of support measures. The aim of the article is to provide a perspective on inclusive education and current needs based on the practice of special educators.

    Keywords: Inclusive education. Catalogue of support measures. Special educators. Education. Child and pupil with special educational needs.


    NOVÁKOVÁ, Lenka, 2024. Aktuelle Herausforderungen der inklusiven Bildung und Förderung von Schülern mit besonderen erzieherischen und Bildungsbedürfnissen in der Slowakei. In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ružomberok. Online. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, Jg. XXIII., Nr. 5, S. 143-162. ISSN 1336-2232. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.54937/ssf.2024.23.5.143-162