Koligačné pojmy v histórii ako predmet sporu medzi realizmom a konštruktivizmom
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Autor: Eugen Zeleňák
In: Kultúrne dejiny
ISSN: 1338-2209
Ročník: 15
Číslo: Supplement
Strany: 7-26
Rok vydania: 2024
Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Abstract: In their works, historians do not only deal with individual acts or smallscale events, but also with complex phenomena. Thus, it is common in historical works to discuss late antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Scholastic period, the Renaissance, the French Revolution, and the Cold War. In this context, some theorists and philosophers of history speak of specific concepts or terms used to unify a mass of information into a single whole. These so-called colligatory concepts are not only used in political history, but are common in cultural history, the history of philosophy, and elsewhere. How are these concepts to be understood and what is their relationship to past reality? Answers to these questions vary according to whether the respondent holds a position close to a realist or a constructivist view of historical work. On the one hand, there are authors who argue that these concepts are about given past events and processes. On the other hand, there are opponents who argue that these are constructs without a pre-existing counterpart in reality. The aim of this paper is to present this debate with an emphasis on the dispute between realism and constructivism.
Keywords: Theory and Philosophy of History, Historical Works, Colligatory Concepts, Realism, Constructivism, Plurality.
ZELEŇÁK, Eugen, 2024. Koligačné pojmy v histórii ako predmet sporu medzi realizmom a konštruktivizmom. In: Kultúrne dejiny. Online. VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, roč. 15, č. Supplement, s. 7-26. ISSN 1338-2209. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.54937/kd.2024.15.Supp.7-26