Pohybová aktivita u žiakov vybraných základných škôl v rámci Národného akčného plánu pre podporu pohybovej aktivity na roky 2017 - 2020
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Autori: Róbert Ochaba, Lucia Miličková
In: Zdravotnícke štúdie
ISSN: 1337-723X
Ročník: XIV
Číslo: 1
Strany: 17-21
Rok vydania: 2022
Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Summary: Physical activity is especially important during childhood and adolescence. As part of the support of health and physical activity in Slovakia, data on the physical activity of pupils of selected primary schools were collected within the framework of the National Action Plan for the Support of Physical Activity for the years 2017 - 2020.
Material and methods: Data collection took place in the whole territory of Slovakia in the months of March - June 2019 using the questionnaire method through the professionals of the departments of health support and health education in regional public health institutes in the Slovak Republic. A structured questionnaire focused on basic lifestyle analysis (questions on well-being, health, physical activity, nutrition and drinking regime, substance and non-substance addictions) was used as a research method. Excel was used to insert and process the answers obtained by the respondents from the questionnaires.
Results: The highest share of respondents rated their physical condition as average (51.2%). 23.4% of respondents stated above-average condition. The majority of respondents reported performing various physical activities daily or almost daily (35.9%) and 3-5 times a week (31.6%). The average duration of their physical activities from 1 hour to 2 hours was stated by 40.1% of respondents. The highest share of respondents (35.5%) stated shortness of breath and weak sweating as the intensity of their physical activities. 44.1% of respondents were registered athletes, 47.4% stated recreational sports in their free time and 8.5% of respondents did not play sports.
Conclusion: Most pupils in the 8th grade of the monitored primary schools engaged in some form of physical activity. They engage in physical activity as registered athletes or as part of their leisure activities. Promoting physical activity among children and adolescents thus continues to play an important role in promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Keywords: Physical activity. Movement. Students. Primary schools. National Action Plan for the Promotion of Physical Activity.
OCHABA, Róbert a MILIČKOVÁ, Lucia, 2022. Pohybová aktivita u žiakov vybraných základných škôl v rámci Národného akčného plánu pre podporu pohybovej aktivity na roky 2017 - 2020. In: Zdravotnícke štúdie. Online. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, roč. XIV, č. 1, s. 17-21. ISSN 1337-723X. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.54937/zs.2022.14.1.17-21