Opatrenia úradu verejného zdravotníctva a činnosť zubných ambulancií počas pandémie Covid-19

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    Autori: Pavol Tománek, Eliška Knošková, Jaroslava Drgová, Monika Knošková, Dušan Kollár, Štefan Anton Kollár

    In: Zdravotnícke štúdie

    ISSN: 1337-723X

    Ročník: 14

    Číslo: 2

    Strany: 61-67

    Rok vydania: 2022

    Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku

    Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic has a negative impact on all sectors of the economy, and the provision of healthcare is no different. Providing dental and medical care in an outpatient setting is considered high-risk in terms of the possible transmission and spread of the SARS CoV-2 virus. In several European countries, it was recommended or ordered to close the dental practice. The article describes patient management in a dental clinic during the Covid-19 pandemic. It concerns the provision of preventive and curative procedures in dental clinics before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data processing analyzes the impact of measures against the spread of the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus in order to provide preventive and therapeutic activities in dental clinics. Based on statistical indicators, the authors’ intention is to know what impact the pandemic of respiratory diseases and restrictions on the operations of dental clinics has on dental care. The article points out which procedures in dental clinics were most affected and to what extent.
    Keywords:  Covid-19. Measure. Dental clinic.


    TOMÁNEK, Pavel et al. Opatrenia úradu verejného zdravotníctva a činnosť zubných ambulancií počas pandémie Covid-19. In: Zdravotnícke štúdie [online]. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, 2022, 14 (2), s. 61-67. ISSN 1337-723X. Dostupné na internete: https://doi.org/10.54937/zs.2022.14.2.61-67