Skúsenosti učiteľov so začlenením žiakov s poruchami autistického spektra do inkluzívnej telesnej a športovej výchovy

    Fulltext (.pdf)

    Autori: Lucia Bundová, Dagmar Nemček

    In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ružomberok

    ISSN: 1336-2232

    Ročník: 23

    Číslo: 1

    Strany: 86-99

    Rok vydania: 2024

    Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku

    Abstract: The aim of the research was to evaluate teachers' experiences of inclusive physical and sport education (PSE) towards inclusion of pupils with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Fifty-two teachers (female, n=32; male, n=20) with a mean age of 41.4±11.3 years who had included pupils with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in their PSE over the past 5 years participated in this pilot study. We used the standardized PESEISD-A questionnaire version 8.2 to collect research data. The most negative teachers’ perceptions of inclusive PSE were the significantly different level of acquired motor skills of pupils with ASD compared to the level of intact classmates and difficulties for pupils with ASD in performing the assigned task. They also complain about the high number of pupils in the inclusive group and the problematic behaviour of the pupil with ASD. On the other hand, the teachers claim that they have information about the pupil with ASD, in conducting inclusive PSE, they do not feel stress (40.4%) or nervousness (48.1%), and they do not find it difficult to modify sports activities in inclusive PSE.

    Keywords: Teacher. Inclusive physical education process. Pupils with ASD. Experiences. Feelings.


    BUNDOVÁ, Lucia a NEMČEK, Dagmar. Skúsenosti učiteľov so začlenením žiakov s poruchami autistického spektra do inkluzívnej telesnej a športovej výchovy. In: Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitas Catholica Ružomberok [online]. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, 2024, 23 (1), s. 86-99. ISSN 1336-2232. Dostupné na internete: