Úroveň vedomostí zdravotníkov o možnostiach poskytovania pomoci obetiam domáceho násilia
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Autori: Andrea Ševčovičová
In: Zdravotnícke štúdie
ISSN: 1337-723X
Ročník: XIV
Číslo: 2
Strany: 8-12
Rok vydania: 2022
Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Aim: The aim of the study was to find out the awareness of healthcare workers about domestic violence and possibilities of help for domestic violence victims.
Material and Methods: The method of data collection was anonymous non-standardized questionnaire of own construction. Its distribution was carried out electronically using snowball method and through the social network, in cooperation with administrators of the groups connecting professional healthcare workers, with emphasis on nurses’ community. The data collection took place in August 2022. The data analysis was carried out through the domain for electronic questionnaires construction survio.com. The study results are presented in contingency charts displaying values of absolute frequency (n) and relative frequency (%). The study involved 83 respondents, with most representation of nurses (86,7 %).
Results: The results showed relatively good awareness of available possibilities of assistance to domestic violence victims. The existence of free-of-charge Infoline was known to 73,5 % of the questioned, and 72,3 % of the respondents were aware of the mail and mobile application for assistance to children. About the possibility to address non-governmental organizations were informed 92,8 % of the questioned. They were the least informed about the fact that the obligation to announce the domestic violence is implied by the law. This unawareness was presented by 28,9 % of the respondents.
Summary: The contact with healthcare workers when providing nursing care to domestic violence victims is an essential part of solving the problem of a violated victim. Only erudite personnel are able to both inform a victim about the current options of help and provide the particular solutions for handling the difficult situation, with emphasis on the security of all the involved.
Keywords: Domestic violence. Assistance to violence victims. The level of knowledge. Healthcare workers.
Ševčovičová, Andrea, 2022. Úroveň vedomostí zdravotníkov o možnostiach poskytovania pomoci obetiam domáceho násilia. In: Zdravotnícke štúdie. Online. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, roč. XIV, č. 2, s. 8-12. ISSN 1337-723X. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.54937/zs.2022.14.2.8-12