Vplyv ergonómie na prácu v online priestore v inkluzívnej škole

    Názov: Vplyv ergonómie na prácu v online priestore v inkluzívnej škole

    Title: Influence of Ergonomics on Working in the Online Space in an Inclusive School

    Fulltext (.pdf)


    Autori/Authors: Tatiana Kutiš Bollová  https://www.ku.sk/cms/assets/images/iconORCID.png       Kristína Žilínková   https://www.ku.sk/cms/assets/images/iconORCID.png

    In: DOKOR 2024: Recenzovaný zborník z medzinárodnej interdisciplinárnej doktorandskej konferencie DOKOR 2024

    ISBN: 978-80-561-1102-4

    Strany/Pages: 235-242

    Rok vydania/Publication Year: 2024

    Vydavateľ/Publisher: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku

    Abstrakt/Abstract: School is a place where students acquire skills and habits that they will copy as learned patterns in their future professions. The purpose of the contribution is to raise awareness of the importance of a properly ergonomically arranged professional classroom, in which students acquire professional skills for their future practice because they automatically acquire ergonomic habits that they can use in the working world, but also in their homes with the arrangement of their desks. Taking care of the musculoskeletal system increases the level of concentration and prolongs endurance in any computer activity. The result of the application nature of the contribution is an ergonomically suitable design of a specialist classroom for students and teachers. Prevention is sometimes financially demanding at first glance, but based on observations and interviews, we can calculate the necessary efforts to ensure safety and health protection at work.

    Kľúčové slová/Keywords: education, online space, inclusive school, specialist classroom


    KUTIŠ BOLLOVÁ, Tatiana a ŽILÍNKOVÁ, Kristína, 2024. Vplyv ergonómie na prácu v online priestore v inkluzívnej škole. In: DOKOR 2024: Recenzovaný zborník z medzinárodnej interdisciplinárnej doktorandskej konferencie. Online. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, s. 235-242. ISBN 978-60-561-1102-4. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.54937/2024.9788056111024.235-242



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