Vnímanie vybraných vôní vo výskumnej vzorke študentov pre využitie v odbore aróma marketingu
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Autori: Karol Čarnogurský, Anna Diačiková, Anna Hrnčiarová Turčiaková
ISSN: 2730-020X
Ročník: VI.
Číslo: 1
Strany: 20-35
Rok vydania: 2022
Vydavateľ: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Abstract: The research of the preferences of the scents of the respondents of various target groups of the market segments of products and services is very interesting from a commercial point of view. The paper presents the results of research aimed at finding out the knowledge of selected scents, feelings perceived by respondents and the impact of the perception of aromas on human emotions. The association test was used to find out for which environment the scent would be suitable, with what, resp. what sector of the national economy does the scent associate with. It was also determined whether it affects the change, respectively. olfactory sensitivity of the individual's perception of aroma after overcoming the coronavirus Covid-19. The obtained results are interesting and will continue to be devoted to scientific research with the continuation of further series of research activities in various target groups, in order to obtain various data sets as a basis for multispectral analysis usable in the field of aroma marketing.
Keywords: Marketing. Consumer behaviour. Aroma. Aroma consumer preference. Aromamarketing. Neuromarketing.
ČARNOGURSKÝ, Karol; DIAČIKOVÁ, Anna a HRNČIAROVÁ TURČIAKOVÁ, Anna, 2022. Vnímanie vybraných vôní vo výskumnej vzorke študentov pre využitie v odbore aróma marketingu. In: REFLEXIE. Kompendium teórie a praxe podnikania. Online. Ružomberok: VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, roč. VI., č. 1, s. 20-35. ISSN 2730-020X. Dostupné na: